China Sets An E-Porn Free Deadline

Not only has China's government cracked down on Internet and electronic porn, they've up and set a deadline for an e-porn free country if they can get it: October 1, when the Communist country celebrates its National Day.

Various reports indicate the deadline means that as of October 1, the government wants no more Internet porn, late-night cellphone erotica, no more sexual text messages on mobile phones and handheld devices.

That kind of porn, said Chinese Information Industry Minister Wang Xudong in announcing the new porn-free deadline, "depraves social morals and especially brings great harm to the country's young minds" – young minds the government is already trying to shape by leaning hard against non-pornographic materials online like social and political criticism of the party and regime.

China launched a general crackdown on Internet porn in mid-July and have since closed over seven hundred adult sites and arrested over three hundred for involvement in the sites, with at least two convictions and prison sentences. The second, Deng Minjiang, was sentenced this week to a year and a half for porn on his Singing Phoenix Website, according to Chinese media.

The regime has also reportedly quit issuing new cybercafe licenses, in the wake of sweeps that included 16,000 shutdowns for reasons that included porn availability, Chinese officials were quoted as saying.

China Mobile, the state-recognized mobile telephone overseer, has suspended several companies recently over porn and spam and other charges. The newest on the China Mobile hit list:, a mobile business bought by Chinadotcom in June for $60 million, but suspended as of August 10 for porn – and for overcharging users. The company has been ordered to repay them, and to stay out of business until their mobile services are moved to the China Mobile platform.