Chandra Responds

war last Friday by stating that Temptress was bad-mouthing her. Temptress responded by saying she's never talked about Vega other than to turn down a sex scene with Vega because she wasn't "attracted" to her.

Vega: What??? I don't understand how Temptress could possibly thivnk I wanted to have sex with her. Yes, I did say I thought she didn't think she looked porno (which, from me, is a compliment), but that was with her clothes on. Once she took them off I saw her haggard body, which DOES look porno. Not to mention the cloud of air that rests within her skull, trying to imitate a brain.

"I NEVER wanted to have sex with her. I mean, come on! Everybody knows that I like petite girls with beautiful faces, fresh scented pussies, and nice, firm breasts. The exact opposite of her! I appreciate women who are mysterious and exotic, yet somehow innocent. Temptress is none of the above.

"If supposedly she thought I liked her, and wanted to work with her, wouldn't she just politely decline rather than slandering my name to 8 directors? One would certainly think so. But yet that's not what happened, is it??? In fact most directors (Kris Kramsky included), know that I don't like that type and would never even TRY to cast us together. Directors are artists (especially Kris Kramsky), it is there job to make movies as sexy as possible. Why then would one want to put a huge giant like her with a small fragile girl like me??? They WOULDN'T! Because it wouldn't look right................And that's my point- it never happened, she just made that part up.

"And why Temptress, have you not mentioned in your little retaliation letter the part about the line in Jim South's office? Is it because you couldn't come up with a story for that one? Couldn't find an excuse for throwing a bratty little fit?

"You see, Temptress and I never fought before I refused to let her cut in line. This stuff about Extreme was way before the line. Her whole story is bullshit. I really can't believe she thought I wanted her! Some nerve, and with an attitude like that, NO ONE is going to want her.

"Temptress, you need to get over yourself and climb down from that pedestal because you are nowhere near as hot as you think you are!

"By the way, in spite of her lies I was still hired by the directors she shit-talked too.....every single one of them!

"So everybody knows: My original intent with this letter was not to rag on Temptress, but simply to advise others that she is a back stabber and a liar. Of course you probably already knew that.

"Now however, I no longer care about her feelings and I'm not sorry to say that I WANT to see her hurt; as severely as possible. But I have my ethics though, and instead of stabbing in the back with lies the way she does me; I shall aim for her throat with the truth.

"By the way girly, while I'm on the subject, your name doesn't really fit you. Instead of Tempt-tress you should be using Tempt-less; just because you don't look porno (from the neck up), doesn't mean you're pretty. And the looks you do have are shattered by the personality you don't have. With deepest sincerity, Chandra Vega.