Carrelli Burns

You probably won't be seeing this on their next commercial, but Sabrina Johnson's PCR/DNA tests, respective to the Tony Montana story and the fact that she had a blowjob scene with him, traveled Fed Ex from Belgium to California this week. Then, hopefully, Fleshtone's Danny Carrelli can breathe a sigh of relief. Carrelli is touting Johnson to do the company's big millennium gangbang the end of the year.

"We'll know 4 o'clock Thursday," said Carrelli. "Sabrina's confident. To be honest, I feel the same way. Sabrina's taking this a lot better than I would have."

Carrelli's ears burn at the thought some folk are suggesting he or a competing company might have blown the whistle on the Candy Apples Gangbang Saturday to sabotage it in favor of leaving the door wide open for Johnson's 2,000 man assault.

Carrelli: "From what I heard from World Modeling they got shut down. I was really concerned because I didn't want it to happen to myself. I wanted to know why. I've heard conflicting things from they didn't have a permit at all, to the numbers on the permit. The thing that I heard was that they were going to get shut down because of the number of people they had there. On your permit you have to put a number. On my permit we have 800. They had a ridiculous number, and that's why they were shut down. That's what I was told. Another thing out of a resopected source was that it was a permit problem. I've already pulled my permits for this last week. I have a $2,000,000 blanket policy. I'm doing everything above board.

"I have a public comment for you. I emphatically deny it [blowing whistles], and if anyone thinks the rumor is true they're welcome to say it to my face. I don't play it like that. We have so much money in this and so much publicity I can beat them straight up. I don't need to use tricks. This infuriates me.

Carrelli acknowledges some of the bad luck that's plagued him ever since he announced a Millennium gangbang assault starring Montana Gunn.

Carrelli: "With what happened to Sabrina, I'm walking around waiting for a safe to fall on my fucking head. This is a joke. But you can't say this thing isn't getting me press."