Caramel on the Quarantine List

According to Sharon Mitchell, Caramel, who appears on the AIM new millennium, called the AIM offices Tuesday afternoon and voluntarily placed herself on the quarantine list. Caramel says she worked with Santino Lee Friday morning at 11 am. Lee had just done a scene earlier in the morning with Niki Lae, a performer who had already tested positive once and was awaiting results of a confirmatory test that wouldn't be in until Friday afternoon.

Mitchell: "After Santino worked with Niki at 8 am, he went to work with the Mariachi Bros. He worked with Caramel at 11 am. It has been our experience that this young lady, Caramel, is as right as rain or she wouldn't have called in to volunteer information and put herself on quarantine. Why Caramel is on quarantine, is, I have reason to suspect that there was further high risk behavior between those two [Santino Lee and Niki Lae]. I'd rather apologize at the end of the quarantine than put anyone else at risk. This is ridiculous. I asked Santino and Niki reperatedly, together and singularly, are you sure you have not worked. They said, no, no, no. This morning, Wednesday, our counselor here told Santino when he called in, that we're not calling judgment but if you worked with anyone over the weekend, or after Niki, let us know so we can notify them. He said, no, no, no. Meanwhile, Caramel calls. I'm trying to wade through this, but I can't make head or ass out of this. It's making my job harder. I'm working on half-information, half-Elizas, half-bullshit and paperwork that I know is to be true.."

Jim South adds: "You can print this anyplace you want. Sharon Mitchell and I on every single scare work together and she's a workhorse. Sharon Mitchell would never tell anybody that it's no problem, to go ahead and work. What she tells people, and I've heard it over and over again, is we have a possibility of an HIV positive. They cannot say that the girl is absolutely positive until she is re-tested. I don't care who said what, she never would have that [lending an impression that Niki Lae could work Friday]."