Candidate Wants Adult Industry Help

Andrew McCullough is a First Amendment attorney and a candidate for Utah Attorney General. The Libertarian Party nominee is asking for help from the adult entertainment business. nrn"I am a workaholic... and this time I hope to change the tenor of the debate," says the man known as the "porn attorney." "The last race revolved around who's toughest on crime and thus, who violated more people's rights." nrnThis is the second time McCullough is making the race. He says getting tough on crime means achieving it "legally and more effectively." nrnMcCullough admits he hopes to become a kind of lightning rod helping to organize the adult entertainment community. The National Cabaret Association is already in his corner, helping him to raise campaign funds. nrnHe also figures, for now, that he should pull at least enough votes to be a deciding factor in the race. "I am hoping to raise about $25,000 for a viable campaign, while my two opponents each will be spending over $500,000 in the November election," he says. "But what Utah citizen will give money to the 'porn attorney'? If 100 club owners donated $50 or $100 to my campaign, it would buy a lot of laughs, because we'd be sticking it to the establishment."