Cameron Diaz Declares Her Love For Porn

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.Movie star Cameron Diaz isn’t ashamed to admit her love for dirty movies.

“I love porn,” she proudly informed late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel and his entire studio audience this week.

Though scheduled to plug her upcoming movie (Bad Teacher, set for release in June), Diaz opted to answer random questions from Kimmel rather than just shill her latest flick.

After Diaz admitted she had stolen a candy from a friend’s room when she was 8, Kimmel then asked if she liked “dirty movies.”
“Pornographic movies?” she replied. “I love porn.”

“Let’s just rid of the other questions,” Kimmel said. “Let’s just focus on that.”

The blonde actress then proceeded to discuss her admiration for the discretion of the hotel industry when it comes to renting adult titles.

She followed that diatribe by answering even more random questions with sometimes bizarre questions, including saying Wile E. Coyote was her favorite superhero. (Note to porn industry: Maybe the next big parody should be about Wile E. and the Road Runner?)

To see the complete interview between Diaz and Kimmel, click here.