The director of the highly-controversial Rough Sex video series from Anabolic says the series will be withdrawn from sale after Feb. 11. But Khan Tusion also says no tapes are being recalled or pulled off video shelves - the series will simply pass quietly.

Tusion will replace it with a new series, Oral Consumption, available Feb. 15.

"I wanted to pull the line," the director says. "Pornography is not my life, but if some harm would come to my friends over something I did, I couldn't live with myself. I didn't want to have this on my shoulders. That was my personal decision."

He says Anabolic took an informal vote on the Rough Sex series and, though Anabolic owner Christopher Alexander favored continuing the series, he bowed to his advisors' wishes to cancel it.

"It was a business decision," Tusion says. "Anabolic puts out approximately 45 tapes a year. Rough Sex would have comprised another four. The prevailing thought was that there are forces in the business that would like some harm to come to them. They believed this series was ammunition for those forces. It was either put out 50 videos a year including Rough Sex or 46 without it. Either way, they'd continue in their lifestyle. They basically looked at me and said what do you think."