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Where Is Ron Jeremy? Ron Jeremy has been quite busy the past few weeks. However, he has promised to take a few minutes out of his hectic schedule to be the first special guest to appear on the adult MAIN STAGE. Just what has Ron been up to lately? Actually, we have no idea, as we keep getting his answering machine when we call him. Our crack team of investigative reporters did discover his whereabouts through a series of posts on Gene Ross' web site late last week. The following has been reprinted without permission.. GENE, .PLEASE DON'T HURT US!

Ron Jeremy had a busy weekend that included trips to Denver, the Academy Award show and Florida. Jeremy was in Denver to emcee a ladies' wrestling event Saturday night, flew back to LA to attend a couple of Oscars' parties, then flew out again, Monday, to Florida to do a gig at a club [The Bash] in South Beach owned by Johnny Depp and Sean Penn. He was hosting a techno-music event. Jeremy said he took a couple of days off and stayed over to go to Disney World where he called from. Jeremy said he will be back in LA by this weekend to attend a Kid Rock event at the House of Blues. After a taping of The Man Show, Jeremy will then fly back to Florida to do a tour of video stores. Then he will be in Canada. Jeremy said The Man Show skit will involve a Porn Fantasy Camp. "I've got a full schedule, but that's pretty typical for me," he said.

Jeremy: "Denver was great besides the lady wrestling they had a banana eating contest with 13 girls competing. I did my comedy shtick, about a 15-minute act. Then J.R. Wolfe came up. He had a beautiful black girl with him. She did a nice striptease, but just down to a bathing suit. These weren't like nude events. You had to keep it clean."

G. Ross: "You emceed? I was under the impression you were going to wrestle for food."

Jeremy: "Ahhh...I wrestled a side of beef. I had a distinct advantage being that the beef was probably dead already...but this thing at Disney is pretty funny. It's the first time in ten years that I flew some place just for a vacation, not work. What's funny is that I keep getting stopped by people who want photographs. These families have kids in strollers and they're stopping me. A lot of these families are recognizing me from MTV. Here they get a picture of Mickey Mouse, then Goofy, then they want a picture of me standing next to the kids."

G. Ross: "Then they'll want a picture of you fucking Goofy."

Upon discovering that Ron Jeremy took a trip to Disney World, flew their crack team of investigative reporters to Florida each with a disposable camera on the Concorde to find Ron Jeremy. They have yet to return. If anyone out there has any photos of Ron Jeremy in Disney World, please send them to us.

UPDATE: WE NEED YOUR HELP!! ! Enter The "Where In The World Is Ron Jeremy?" Contest.

Our team of investigative reporters still have not been found...and to be quite frank, we really don't care where the fuck they are. (Actually we do...cause we need the disposable cameras back) In any event, the team of developmental scientists have put together a monthly contest for you to help us find Ron Jeremy on vacation. You'll might even win a great prize! What do you have to do to enter? Visit the Adult Comedians' Open Mic Area for more details.