Click and sniff? It could be coming very soon - if a new company which says it's going to bring smells to the Web - in a high-tech turn on the old scratch-n-sniff concept - can actually bring it off, Reuters says.

They call it "Smell-O-Vision" - scent software and a plug-in device. You may remember Aromarama crashing and burning in American movie theaters in the 1950s, but DigiScents isn't letting that stop them.

"If we can find out the essence of a biological smell and make a profile of that smell," says company president Dexster Smith to Reuters, "we should be able to digitize and broadcast it. We really feel we are in the ground floor of a new industry and art form. It is going to span a number of areas."

Including, he says, e-commerce, advertising, education - and entertainment. Doubtless, adult-oriented Web sites heavy with the online sex content will be watching for this one.