He was about to be arrested for sexually assaulting a child - but outside the TV station where he worked, he opened fire on police and held two co-workers hostage before committing suicide, APBNews reports.

The unidentified man worked as an engineer at Fox Channel 21 in Colorado Springs. APBNews says he died of a self-inflicted gunshot after a three-hour standoff outside KXRM Feb. 7. No one else was injured.

It began at 9:40 Feb. 7, authorities tell APBNews, when sheriff's deputies tried to serve the man with an arrest warrant. He drew a handgun and fired twice at officers, who returned fire with one shot before the man went inside and took two hostages. The station evacuated two hours, and SWAT teams arrived, ultimately bringing one hostage out in handcuffs as a precautionary measure, APBNews says.

But shortly thereafter, officers heard a gunshot and found the suspect wounded and dying.

This was Colorado's second television station shooting incident in six weeks. In late December, APBNews says, a mentally ill man fired a handgun in the lobby of Denver's NBC affiliate, demanding the station broadcast a homemade videotape. No one was wounded, and the man surrendered to police, APBNews says.