CED Teams Up With New Hotel Cable Provider

Cable Entertainment Distribution (CED), which controls almost three-quarters of adult cable rights, has teamed up with CPTV, LLC - a technology provider that distributes adult cable systems designed for use in hotels with under 150 rooms.

Consumers purchase a card in the hotel lobby, take it to their room, and put it in the box on top of the TV, unlocking three adult entertainment channels.

Currently, the three channels on the service are all from the Digital Latin Channel offers the latest releases by major studios. Channel Two has eclectic offerings that are traditionally not shown on cable/satellite/hotel channels such as fetish and transsexual content. Channel Three is the classic channel, offering titles from Arrow and VCX.

The channels are all what Bruder describes as XX plus - meaning no anal.

"The advantage of this is that other providers cost thousands of dollars to set up, which has made it hard for smaller operations to buy into," Mark Bruder, president of CED, told AVN.com. "These are only sixty dollars per room. Anyone can handle that."

Hotels pay a set amount each month for the box. A percentage of the dollars go to the programming, with producers receiving a royalty for each movie showcased on the system. For example, if only five titles were carried on the system, the royalty would be split five ways. If twenty titles are carried on the system, the royalty would be split in twenty ways.

The system was tried out for two years in two separate markets. Now that the trial runs are over, the system is available across the nation. Hotel owners who are interested in obtaining a system from CPTV should contact Stefan Herrmann.