CECash Revamps Adult Galleria For Benefit of Affiliates, Other Programs

CECash has changed the direction of their Adult search engine, Adult Galleria, by partnering with GigaCash and OCCash to turn it a targeted traffic source for the three programs and their affiliates.

While searching Adult Galleria from the actual site will still bring back thousands of results based on the most relevant content, searching via a search bar from a CE, OC or Giga affiliate site will return a listing with the three programs’ relevant results at the top, followed by non-partner results.

“It’s kind of a good link-around for people not to lose their own traffic,” CECash’s CEJohn told AVNOnline.com. “In addition to that, all of the ads are generated from the search terms and all of the affiliate codes behind the ads belong to the webmaster that sent the surfer. So it’s 100 percent his site.”

Two-year-old Adult Galleria, which also features a banner slot program and toplist, is the brainchild of CE programmer Splitz and CEJohn, who has recently taken over many of the duties of CECash founder Ron Levi.

“We spent a lot of time thinking about how we were going to build an Adult search engine that webmasters wanted to send traffic to, because for the most part, webmasters are trying to make a buck themselves. Why should I send traffic to a search engine when I can send it to a sponsor that will convert into a sale?” Splitz said.

The new direction of Adult Galleria aims to answer that question with its targeted results.

“If you have visitors coming to your site from a TGP you might have an amateur page up when they’re really looking for teen content or some other niche. By sending them to Adult Galleria you cross that niche bridge and you get advertising in the surfer’s face of what they’re really looking for,” Splitz said.

Affiliates can customize Adult Galleria to include whichever of the three program’s sites they choose. If a webmasters doesn’t want to be a CECash affiliate, they can choose not to include CE’s relevant sites among the top search results.

The three companies boast more than 170 sites in total, dramatically increasing what they have to offer surfers through the search engine partnership.

“GigaCash is always looking for additional products and services to enhance our affiliates’ conversions. By teaming up with the CECash and OCCash families of sites we’re able to provide additional content and resources for our affiliates to promote,” GigaCash vice president Stephen Bugbee told AVNOnline.com.

While not courting other partner programs, CEJohn said if all the partners agree, Adult Galleria may add new programs down the road.

“It just started up, but in the future we’ll definitely be considering other sponsors. That’s a certainty. There’s some great programs out there that might be interested and I wouldn’t want to say no,” he said.