But Will The Real Penis Stand Up?

Says the prosecution: The boyfriend impersonated her former husband to get a free penile implant, since the ex-husband had insurance coverage for the procedure. Says the girlfriend: Someone impersonated her during the boyfriend's visits to the surgeon. Only in New York.

But Jeane Lewis has yielded the latter up as a defense during an insurance fraud-and-forgery trial in Manhattan Supreme Court, where she's accused of having Andre Dovilas impersonate former husband Steven Lewis two years ago so Dovilas could have his tube steak more well done, so to speak.

Unfortunately, say prosecutors, when the real Lewis began getting the bills for the enhancement he didn't undergo, he tipped off Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and a urologist there, Brian Stone. When Stone met Lewis, prosecutors continued, "something was amiss."

Indeed - like Stone knowing Jeane Lewis because he was a Montefiore Hospital resident in the Bronx, where Lewis worked as a secretary. Like, also, a $13,000 bill total, which the insurance carrier ultimately refused to pay. But Jeane Lewis's defense team says those facts aren't arguable; however, someone was posing as Lewis. Not so, countered Stone, who identified Jeane as the woman who translated for Dovilas's Creole French dialect during a reported seven office visits, according to the New York Daily News.

The good news for the prosecution: Steven Lewis himself was expected to take the stand April 27. The bad news: Dovilas vanished when a judge ordered him to have his penis examined and X-rayed by a court-appointed doctor, the News said, adding he's believed to be in Haiti.