Bush Cyber Security Advisor To Resign, Citing "Dumb Worm"

Richard Clarke, President Bush's cyber-security chief, confirmed plans to resign from eleven years of government work, warning in an e-mail that computer viruses such as the Slammer/Sapphire worm that felled systems worldwide last weekend could be replicated easily.rnrn

It was "a dumb worm that was easily and cheaply made," he wrote. rnrn

"More sophisticated attacks against known vulnerabilities in cyberspace could be devastating," he continued. "As long as we have vulnerabilities in cyberspace and as long as America has enemies, we are at risk of the two coming together to severely damage our great country."rnrn

Tellingly, a spokesperson for Clarke had to confirm the e-mail was his.rnrn

Clarke was Bush's counterterrorism coordinator on September 11, 2001. He will seek employment in the private sector.rnrn

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