Burt, Rod and Tom at T. Bone's House

John T. Bone's reconditioned mansion is currently playing host to a film starring Burt Reynolds, Tom Berenger and Rod Steiger. Cast and crew crowded T. Bone's living room Thursday night for the filming of a scene for a picture called The Hollywood Sign. Bone's street was cordoned off and production crew trucks were up and down adjoining streets. Based on the truckage factor alone, it's safe to say this isn't a porn flick. Judging by the context of the scene and its discussions about dead bodies, mob guys, and Burt doing some propulsive, over-the-top reaction shots, one gets the impression it's a comedy. Action often had to be halted when a neighborhood dog would get too frisky, or a plane would fly over.

Gene grabbed Tom Berenger, who's currently seen in commercials for Quaker State, aside for a quickie interview.

G. Ross: "Mr. Berenger..."

Berenger: "So what you're saying is you can't change your oil every 3,000 miles because you're too busy."

G. Ross: "It's the website..."

Berenger: "So you push it, like your cheap brother-in-law at one of those all-you can eats."

G. Ross: "I don't have a brother-in-law."

Berenger: "Hey, it's your car. You want to learn the hard way? Be my guest."

G. Ross: "Mr. Berenger, I couldn't help but notice that package you're carrying in the scene."

Berenger: "This is reformulated Quaker State, protection beyond 3,000 miles under any driving conditions."

G. Ross: "I'm just about at the 3,000 mark."

Berenger: "You ought to change your oil on time, but if you can't, can you say insurance?

G. Ross: "Say It? I can't afford it. This is California."