Bunny Luv, Devan Sapphire's main squeeze, had a few choice comments to make about Roy Garcia. Luv wanted to make it crystal clear that she's repped by World Modeling, not Garcia.
Bunny Luv: "I am not represented by Roy Garcia. I will never ever in my entire life be represented by Roy Garcia. I will tell as many girls as possible exactly how he is. He is a suitcase fucking pimp. He finds 18 year old girls and leeches off of them. He is not a legitimate agent, but for the last two years he has been taking money from girls, 30% of what their income is. He sleeps with every last one of his fucking clients or tries to. I have actual proof. He walks into a club and tells these girls I can make you a superstar. After two months when she's no longer new, he lets them loose and refuses to get them work, especially if he's not dicking them. If you're dicking him, you'll get work. He's a younger Regan Senter only he lies about it."
[A background interview with Luv appears in the next update.]
Though slightly amused, Garcia, who once repped Luv, was puzzled by Luv's negative reactions to him but suspects that it came from the fact that he didn't get her work over the New Year. Garcia calls Luv's comments bullshit.
Garcia: "The higher you go up the totem pole, the more you become a target. The more you do for someone, the more they hate you. But I don't see how I fucked over Bunny so much. Bunny Luv's the kind of person who's blindsided by her own ego. She either loves you or hates you. She's always willing to point out your faults but is never, ever willing to look at any of her own. Talk about her nose and it will bum her out forever. I've worked so hard to get her work and got her lots of work. You know the old saying - two guys are walking down the street and the guy says to the other one, 'look at that guy over there; I know why he hates me. I haven't done anything FOR him.'
"Bunny Luv is just a porn star, and I'm just a glorified appointment setter and negotiator. Being a porno agent is not that big of an accomplishment. You don't have to sleep with me to get work. I used to be a performer. Bunny and I even shot together. But I'm not a performer anymore. I have a girlfriend. I want to be this silent guy. I just want to do my work. I don't solicit anyone else's clients. Scotty Schwartz likes to solicit my clients. He tried to solicit Bunny Luv."
G. Ross: "Tell you the truth, Roy, you're a lot funnier in your emails."
Garcia: "Thank you. I'm a little less on the spot in my emails. I can relax and write. I'm a writer. That's how I got into show business. I wanted to write a screenplay, so I took an acting class. I took the class. I loved acting, and the teacher said you should be a model. I got into the adult business. I figured it out real quick it's all about the girls. I said I could find really hot girls. I went out looking for them and found hundreds of them. One of them was Bunny Luv. I got her into town. She worked eight days a week. She used to cry for a day off. Then one day she said I was ripping her off. She went to Jim South. I asked her how I was ripping her off. She said I was charging 10%. Not like Scotty who charges 20%; Lucky charges 25%. The 30% she's talking about is that I get a finders' fee. It's not illegal to get a finders' fee.
"She called me three months later, all nice to me. She said, 'Would you mind representing me again? I'm losing money with Jim South.' Then she went back to my house, lived in my house rent-free. Then I guess she got together with her boyfriend [Sapphire] off and on. That's how she decided whether to do boy-girl or not. If she was with Devan, she didn't do boy-girl; if she wasn't, she did boy-girl. Then the boyfriend would blame me for pushing boy-girl. In November she called me and said, 'I'm booking my own stuff; I just want the magazine-stuff.' I didn't get her much work. She had already been the rounds with most of my people. They were looking for fresh faces. That's just the way the business is. Look at a beautiful picture long enough, and Bunny Luv is a beautiful picture, but it gets ugly after awhile.
"I scout. That's what I do best, but I have to take care of the girls, too, and I need to find new clients for the girls."