Buck: Green Light On Liquid Blue

If Buck Adams were a sports stadium, the score would be tied between heart attacks and acts of contrition. Buck was in a contrite mood Saturday.

According to Adams, who came as an observer to the Million Man Gangbang, his surfing film, Liquid Blue has discovered second life. This, in contrast to several weeks ago, when the plug was all but pulled on the patient. The film was so dead, that Regis Philbin and three lifelines wouldn't have been enough to save it. Five of ten sex scenes had been shot for the film. But dialogue, setups, and five additional sex scenes remained to be lensed [12 more days all told] when Adams experienced a meltdown of sorts, thus causing postponement of the film and word that the project might be scrapped entirely. Adams says he was in San Francisco last Friday and had a meeting with the "suits".

Adams: "Actually we could have started it up about three weeks ago, but I've been depressed. They knew they were going to start it back up, but all they had to do was make me promise that I was going to be a good boy."

G. Ross: "Are you going to be a good boy?"

Adams: "To be honest, I fucked up so many things in the last two months, it's about time for Buck to be a good boy.

G. Ross: Are we going to have another born again Buck story?"

Adams [laughing]: "I fucked up some things that were really important to me this time. Sooner or later you got to do something."

G. Ross: "So now you're keeping away from the mosquitoes. [Last time Adams attributed mosquito bites to what appeared to be his most recent heart attack.]

Adams: "I saw them Friday and I'm going back up the 15th or 18th. The checks will come in this week. We'll pay off all the actors that are owed. There's like about $6,000 worth of stuff. We're owing Kevin Beech money. I was sitting at the meeting and the guys are going what's you're biggest problem. I go you know Kevin Beech? That's my biggest problem. They go what's the matter with Kevin Beech. I said, well, you guys owe him money. And he's going to come collecting out of my ass, and if that happens, I'm going to come back up here to San Francisco if I have to walk and fuckin' visit with each one of you guys.

"But the show was already green-lighted when I went up there. They were just like be a good boy, Buck, quit screaming and yelling. We know you fight with your wife. That was the other big thing. Because I own a percentage of the projects and she wanted to get a lawyer. She could cause a bunch of crap in the middle of the show. So what they want me to do was sign away my percentage. But I'll have the lawyers talk to my wife this week. Enough shenanigans. I've caused enough crap. The old way doesn't work so good in the new style....We have 12 more days to shoot."

G. Ross: What the hell are you shooting, Ben Hur?"

Adams: "We're spending 12, now 11 days. I had to cut the budget a little bit, so now we're dropping a day."

G. Ross: "Well, you had to drop all those cleft-chin reaction shots."

Adams [laughing]: "How many times can I get my ass kicked on this one? But I kind of made the decision about two weeks ago. I had a long talk with somebody - my daughter. Maybe my way doesn't work. Maybe my ideas do, but my way doesn't work. It's like my daughter said to me, if you're losing all the things that are really important to you, then you're doing something wrong. Best advice I ever get is from my kid. I just adore my daughter. If she told me to ram my head into a wall, I'd do it. Tells you how fucked up I am - I have to call my daughter for advice. She's never been wrong with the advice. She was really mad at me when the Aspen Brock-stuff jumped off a couple of months ago. I had kept everybody in the dark over what was really happening in our relationship. So when you have a blowup, you're the bad guy. Nobody knows what led up to that blowup. My daughter says does this bother you, or are you going to move on to the next chick? Yeah, this one actually bothers me. I wouldn't have married the girl if I didn't care about her.

"Until Friday, I'm going on the maddest, drunkennest, doped-up binge I could possibly be on, and I'm not quitting until next Saturday. Then I got four days to sober up and then I promised my daughter I'd go back to AA. Stop drinking altogether again. I screwed up a lot of shit. I ran my wife off. I screwed up my movie. My business-stuff is all in disarray. I haven't paid attention to anything. Maybe it's time to change. Hell, I've given you enough free pages [of gossip]."

G. Ross: "You could do monthly magazines about your life."

Adams [laughing]: "They're doing a documentary on me with HBO right now. They're going to follow me around to all the sets. They've done around two weeks worth of shooting on it. Just like a life story from beginning to end. Raylene's uncle is a producer and I guess he funded the whole thing. I met him a couple of times and we've yapped about different stuff. But somebody approached him about doing a documentary about my life, and I couldn't think of a better subject. At least you have a lot of running time with me. They're talking to me that know me. Next week they're going to interview my daughter. They're going to talk to April. Remember little April from the old days? I think they're actually going to find Rebecca Wilde - keep her away from my wife. They're paying me real well for it, so I'll tell stories all day and all night..."

G. Ross: "Then there was K.C. Williams."

Adams: "Aaaaah."

G. Ross: "Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

Adams [laughing]: "Oh, man, I remember that Hustler article they did ten years ago where it was like three pages of Buck and the trouble I caused. It listed every girl I dated."

G. Ross: "Then there was Tabitha Stevens [another Tabitha from the late 1980's.]

Adams: "Tabitha Stevens, Tori Welles, they were all on it. It listed the reason why we started going out. It got a quote from the girl, why they first started dating me, then it said all the fucked-up shit I did and why we broke up. I said, oh Christ, I'll never get a date again."

G. Ross: "So, of all the porn girls you've dated, which ones do you actually remember?"

Adams [laughing]: "I remember them all. I married two of them. They're at the top of the list. Between Littlelove and Aspen, do I need anything else? C'mon, my resumé is full, dude. Look at the last one on the list. My daughter said I want you to do me a favor. By the time this is over, I want you to go out, get so drunk, you don't even want to smell alcohol. She said get it out of your system. Get drunk, get stoned, get high, take whatever narcotic you haven't taken. I said there's only two or three of those. I don't like GHB. The wife handles the bad ones, so I'll take every other drug on thise list."

G. Ross: "I've heard you only take drugs that you can spell."

Adams: "Let's see...crack, coke...nothing over five letters."