Brother, Can You Spare A Pair?

All women were made equal on a spiritual level, but on a physical level there are still some discrepancies. Fortunately, we have plastic surgeons that can take care of a lot of that. No breasts? You can have them for a price. No money? Well you could always try Michel's method for getting bigger breasts - ask for the money online. rnrn

Michel, whose natural breasts are size 34A, set up to raise the $4,5000 she needs to upgrade her self-confidence. Though she hasn't determined the exact size she wants, she's already three-quarters of the way to her mark: since launching the site on November 30, 2002 she's raised $3,391.74. rnrn

While most of the money was raised by simply establishing a PayPal account and asking people to donate "in proportion to how much you love breasts," Michel has also received money from Adam & Eve through a referral program. rnrn

Visitors to the website are directed to Adam& where they are enticed to register with the site by a free copy of Search for the Snow Leopard, which stars Asia Carrera. For each registration, Michel gets $2 added to her capital cleavage campaign. rnrn

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