Brides of Count This Distribution

Rob "the voice" Schaffner of Mondo Video laments that's he's not getting any distribution on his Brides of Countess Reckula video. "One of the major distributors seems to keep back peddling on me," he says. "I'm looking for somebody who wants to carry it; make some money. It's got plenty publicity. It was a spotlite pick in AVN. It was just in Hustler. Taboo just did a thing on it. I don't know if it's the content or they're afraid of the movie."

G. Ross: "You might have answered your own question. Blood does have a certain affect on people."

Schaffner: "Well it's been getting reviews, and it's out there. And I'm doing okay through my mail order. We got our website coming up by the end of the week,

"That's going up this week, and that will show all the insane craziness of the store and our business and the movies."

On the other hand, Kitten Natividad, who underwent cancer surgery earlier this week at City of Hope hospital, seems to be doing better than some of Schaffner's current distribution deals. "She'll probably be home either today or tomorrow," says Schaffner. "She said she feels better but said, 'I'm flat as a board.' She was doing all that radiation shit, lost a lot of weight. At one point she lost all of her hair, but that's all coming back. She's doing good. That's a good sign. And Russ Meyer's book's coming out, too."

G. Ross: "That book was coming out nine years ago."

Schaffner: "It's in the printers, now. It's actually there."