Bouncy Pictures Offers DVD Users Six Scenes at Once

Bouncy Pictures has developed a new bonus feature for their DVDs that they call “Gogo Extreme,” an interactive function that allows users to simultaneously view all six scenes at once, with an option of selecting one scene to zoom in on at any given time without any stop in the action of the selected scene.

The feature was named in honor of the character GoGo Yubari, the morning star swinging Japanese assassin who wore a Catholic schoolgirl outfit in Quentin Tarantino ’s Kill Bill Volume 1.

“We thought Gogo was the hottest woman in the world when we developed the concept, and we thought the concept was the hottest thing in the world – so we thought it would be cool to name it in her honor,” Ty Endicott, president of Bouncy Pictures, told

And so in Yubari’s honor, Bouncy uses a mace, the spiked ball part of a morning star, Yubari’s weapon of choice, as the icon on their DVD for the Gogo Extreme function.

Viewers who select the option find six sex scenes simultaneously playing – but it’s not a motion menu, where the action goes on for a minute then loops. Gogo Extreme allows viewers to watch all six sex scenes at once, and if at any time the viewer finds that one scene in particular deserves closer attention, they can highlight that scene and it will fill the screen, without any stop in the action.

“I came up with the idea from the way I edit, where I often have multiple scenes open at once on my monitors,” Endicott said. “I always thought it was viscerally appealing and we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from both distributors and customers who saw Smoking Blowjobs, the first DVD we released with feature.”

Smoking Blowjobs is the only DVD that Bouncy has put the Gogo Extreme feature on to date, but they intend to include the feature in all future productions, including Smoking POV, which streets July 19.

Distributors should call 866-475-5200 for more information on Bouncy Pictures DVDs and Gogo Extreme.