Boost Your Clients With Inbound Text Links: TextLinkBrokerage

With inbound text links seen as perhaps the quickest way to get high popular search engine rankings, thus boosting your ability to sell more goods and services and even site subscriptions online, TextLinkBrokerage has developed a method for Webmasters to buy text links in bulk and sell them to clients: the Bulk Buyers Club.

The company said this system lets Webmasters help partners and affiliates achieve goals and build long, satisfying client relationships through superior results from inbound text links.

"The idea actually came about when a number of our clients started buying 4-10 accounts, one per client of theirs," said TextLinkBrokerage spokeswoman Jaime Collins, responding to an query. "That was the only way before the Bulk Buyers Club for them to keep everything seperated. So we sent out an e-mail to all customers asking for what features they would like to see in the new system, and this is what we came up with."

If you become a member of the Bulk Buyers Club, TextLinkBrokerage said, you can buy high-quality text links in blocks and then re-sell them to your own clients, with full control over your links with TextLinkBrokerage's intuitive administrative control panel. "You will be amazed," the company said, "at how easy it is to administer your account and how thorough our stats and reports are. All the features you need to operate your successful business are built in to one easy to use interface."

And, from that administrative control panel, the company continued, you can easily add URLs, distribute links across multiple URLs as you need to do so, add and remove links from Websites, add and remove client Websites, and keep basic client profiles. You can also edit the URLs your clients want to promote, add and delete anchor text they want their URLs to have or subtract, edit anchor link counts, and edit the maximum number of links they can distribute among their own URLs and anchors. And, the company added, these can be set on a client-by-client basis.

"Your clients will appreciate the ability to log in to the account you create for them and see full stats on their campaign," TextLinkBrokerage said. "You can add client logins so that they can quickly see extensive stats concerning their campaigns. This will give your customers great security and it’s easy for them to use and just as easy for you to setup."

For more information, visit TextLinkBrokerage on the Web or contact [email protected].