Bone Hosts Burt Reynolds Movie

Going from one extreme to the other, John T. Bone mentioned that his house was being used as a location in a Burt Reynolds movie.

Bone: "A movie company is renting my house. They'll be shooting at it for five days. It's a movie called The Hollywood Sign. They're in there [Bowen's house] now for seven days refurbishing. It's going to be Rod Steiger's house in the film, and for five days starting next Thursday they're going to be shooting with Rod Steiger and Burt Reynolds in the house. But just don't call Burt Reynolds, Sasha.

"They dropped a business card in my mail box one day asking if I was interested in having the film shot at my house. I called them up. They liked the house and for two weeks there were hundreds of people traipsing through - electricians, art department, producers, directors.

G. Ross: "Here's what gets me. They like your house for a particular reason then go out of their way to change it."

Bowen: "Good point. The question is I don't quite know what they're doing. So far they've taken every piece of furniture out of the house. They started painting yesterday. But they're painting arts and crafts colors."

G. Ross: "If you like what they've done, are you going to keep it that way?"

Bowen: "The contract is they have to repaint it afterwards to my specifications. But if I like what they've done, I'll keep it that way...when they originally came to me, James Coburn was in the movie. James Coburn I've known for years. When they said they wanted it for James Coburn's house, that was really the reason why I said yes because he's an old friend of mine. But he's gone, and Rod Steiger has taken his place in the movie....and you can ask Burt Reynolds who he actually did play in Boogie Nights."