Bo's Turn

Ready for Bo's comments?

G. Ross: "You're laughing so you have a minor clue what I'm calling about."

Bo: "I'm sitting here, reading it now. [Luke Ford's site.] They've been threatening this for about a week. The bottom line is that Rob Spallone wants to take Kendra Jade's contract. He wants to take it even though we've abided by all terms of it. He's just threatening me with this shit on a daily basis. Tuesday, when we wouldn't give him the movie or her release from the contract, he told my wife just wait until tomorrow, 'I'm going to put it all over Gene Ross; I'm going to put it all over Luke Ford. I'm going to get you.' Last night on PST, Luke Ford came on and said the same thing."

G. Ross: "Where do you stand with Kendra as of this moment?"

Bo: "Basically, Kendra's under contract to us and the last known address we have for is **** which was a shoot house that Rob Spallone ran. The last money she received from us, she was on the road at Christmas time. We cashed her paycheck and sent it to her. We've issued all her paychecks that come back when they've been sent to that address, certified mail. Our position is that no matter what kind of lies Rob Spallone makes up, she's under contract to LGI for videos and the website. They're two separate contracts. Unfortunately, I can't stop this type of stuff being written on Luke Ford. I have no control over it. When he puts out these stories what am I going to say? I can't defend myself against them anyway. I've got people saying I'm trying to fuck Kendra Jade. I say no and they say you must have. If I wanted to fuck her, I'd just go to a whorehouse and fuck her.

G. Ross: "Or the Bunny Ranch."

Bo: "Exactly."

G. Ross: "Bo, I gotta know one thing. You take extasy in your ass?"

Bo [laughing]: "Yeah, that's what I do. No, I don't take extasy up my ass. I don't take anything up my ass."

G. Ross: "Kendra says you're warding off people from hiring her."

Bo: "I sent a press release to you the other day which you published on your website. What we said is that she's under contract and call your attorney if you plan on using her. I've been harassed on turning her loose from this contract for well over a month. The problems keep compiling themselves. I have no contract with Rob Spallone of any kind, but he's trying to take her contract. It's Internet extortion. If I give him her contract he'll stop writing stuff? If I don't they'll keep writing whatever they want.

"Rob Spallone has been around a short period of time and Luke Ford a shorter period of time, I stand on my reputation in the adult industry over the last 25 years. Before I met Rob Spallone and Kendra Jade, my name wasn't on none of this shit. But since I've come in contact with them, it's been constant assassination on the Internet. At least on your site you print both sides to it. What they do on that side, what are you going to do?"

G. Ross: "What's the situation with the movie, The Madam?"

Bo: "I'm looking at it now. Jim DiGiorgio's Blue Light Pictures sent a copy to us yesterday. But Rob's put his name on the movie. He calls it a Star World Productions. It's an LGI Production."

G. Ross: "He's claiming that you owe him $3500 for editing."

Bo: "He's not editing it; Jim DiGiorgio is. Last movie that Jim DiGiorgio edited for me was My Last Porn Convention. He edited it. Once he edited it he sent it to us. We paid him for it. This movie they've been holding since December 10 or 11. They've been holding it even though we have the movie sold to a couple of distributors. They've just refused to turn over the movie. Now that the lawyers are involved, Blue Light Pictures, Kenny over there, thank God he's got some sense. He said give the guy his movie, he'll pay us for it. That's what we've told them all along. But we can't pay for a movie that hasn't been edited. Today is the first time we've seen an edited copy of the movie. It arrived by Fed Ex from Blue Light Pictures.

"I'm sitting here and watching it. What the plans are, we're going to make some changes to it. Star World has to come out of there because it doesn't belong to Star World. LGI has to go in there. Other than that, the movie looks pretty good. I hope we sell the hell out of it with all this negative publicity we got out of it."

G. Ross: "Kendra was saying in Las Vegas she never got a room that was promised her, that you put it to her that you wanted her to stay at your place, implying to service you."

Bo: "I'll give you a copy of her reservation and the hotel bill with the room service, where she made phone calls. I'll supply those from the Venetian. The thing is the rooms were under my name, but she was in room 30111 which was under my room. It was an adjoining room but it was a separate room. She could lock her door and do anything she wanted. Her reservation started on 1/6. She came into town on the night of 1/5. She came in a day early. We had to send the car over to pick her up, brought her back over to the hotel. I threw my brother out of his room and put her into the room. She drank two bottles of NyQuil that Dusty from Midnight Video bought and we didn't see her after that. She was not at that show except for an hour. She got up and left when Rob Spallone got into town. She left the room and went wherever she went to."

G. Ross: "There was an incident about you telling her to suck your dick."

Bo: "This is what happened. She disappeared from the show. Two days after the show ended, I think it was Monday morning she called my cell phone. Now this is the thing they're alleging they recorded. She calls and says what's up. I say what do you mean what's up? You fucking came here to sign for us, we already paid your plastic surgeon the money. And we paid her a $1,000 a day in advance to sign. That's a lot of money to sign. All she had to do was get up and go to the booth and sign. That was it. When she called me Monday she said I'm out, I quit. I'm done. I said what are you talking about? I said what about the money you owe me. She said you're going to get it. I said what about my movie. She said you're going to get it. I said how are you going to pay it to me. She said I don't know. I said how do you expect me to walk away from this. She said I'll pay you somehow. I said what are you going to do, suck my dick for it?

"I said it an a satirical way. My wife was in the room with me at the time. I wish they would play the tape because that's what it says. It's not saying come over and suck my dick for the money you owe me. What it's referring to is you have no other way to get money except for fucking people and that's it. There's no other way for her. No matter what you do for her, it always ends bad whether it's for me or somebody else. I've done no wrong by her. I gave her a contract for 13 personal signings at a $1,000 a signing; and 6 movies at $4,000 a movie. Her contract was $39,000 for that. That would have made her one of the highest paid porn stars out there.

"The problems started coming in when they wanted cash instead of checks. Rob Spallone has signed every single check she's gotten. He's a pimp. What do you want me to tell you? That's the straight up on it. Rob is Kendra's pimp and is trying to make money off of her. We're just the benefactor of it because we won't pay her cash. Then they start off with character assassination; they start off with the drugs and the sex. This is nothing new."

G. Ross: "With all this bad blood you still want her under contract?"

Bo: "Without a doubt. I've invested a shitload of money in Kendra. I don't want to be partners with Rob Spallone. There's no problem with Kendra. When we first went to shoot The Madam, the deal was this. We would pay her the money and let her use the people she wanted to shoot the movie. She wanted Rob as a director and Jim DiGiorgio and let Rob's house be the shoot house and Rob would supply the people. The first day we went to shoot in LA, I met with Rob and said who's the talent. He had people we didn't want to use. We wanted to use guys like Alec Metro, Brandon Iron, Herschel Savage. Guys with big cocks. We figured we put a lot of money into this movie with Kendra we wanted the best possible male talent we could get to work with her. Rob had a fit about it. He said the shoot's off.

"He wouldn't call me for two days then went and shot two scenes of the movie without any permission from us whatsoever. Kendra's not under contract to Rob. Rob has no right to do these things. Basically we're being bullied here."

G. Ross: "Rob says the way this was going down is you were coming into town; you were going to give him money for this movie. You guys went out to breakfast. At the end of breakfast you said you forgot the money, you didn't bring it with you."

Bo: "It's not true."

G. Ross: "Supposedly you were going to meet him later and square that away."

Bo: "He manufactured a story that we were supposed to meet with him and give him the checks, but the two movies that we shot at his house with Jim Gunn, we paid the performers the checks. What Rob wanted us to do was pay him the money and then he'd dish out cash to the performers and make shy on it. We didn't want to do that. We wanted an individual check for every performer. If the grip gets $400, we pay the grip $400. If the cameraman gets $1200, he gets a check for $1200. But every individual gets paid by our company. We get the social securities, the model releases and 1099 them at the end of the year. These are the problems Rob Spallone had. We wanted to do everything in cash. We never agreed to that, that he'd dole out money as he saw fit. We don't operate that way. That's the way we had done our other movies. It's a Bank of America check.

"If you look at the budgets of those two Jim Gunn movies, I'll show you all the check numbers."

G. Ross: "What's your plan for distribution of The Madam? It sounded like you kept changing your mind about who was going to get it."

Bo: "We were holding out for the highest price. The fact of the matter is were approached by several people. Once we signed Kendra, there was a lot of interest in it. Right now I've got three e-mails from Craig Vasiloff. They went Kendra under contract and are offering me money to let her out of her contract. The problem here is we have a valid contract. We've lived up to it. But the pimp controls what she's doing. Why does Kendra need Rob to speak for her? Rob has never been in a hotel room with me. He's never been alone with me. The only places I've met with Rob are at his house. Anything that Rob says about me is pure speculation on his part. He's never been nowhere with me. If there's been any illegal acts, name the dates and the places. If you can't do that, it's bullshit. Play the tape."