Bo: "We've Got the Goods"

Bo: "These guys pissed me off Thursday afternoon. I've been pretty nice about this. But I had that domain name and I said fuck it. If this is the way they want to be, let's do 'em. But I even have some better stuff. We've had a private detective following Rob for the last month. We've got pictures of him with his bookie; we've got pictures of him with Kendra. He wants to put up my home numbers? We're going to put up his. We figure fuck it. Whatever he does, we're going to trump him. This part about going live and trashing us on We're going to go live by middle of next week on trashing him. Everyday that he hits us with something, we're going to hit him with three things back. The most important thing we're going to do is that his wife is going to get a package pretty soon of pictures of him and Kendra together. Motherfucker, break it out, Rob, take your best shot."

Spallone, aware of Bo's latest P.I. comments, said he got a phone call from Kevin Beech supposedly acknowledging that 'Bo is the biggest asshole.' "I also hear that Frank from FB is pissed off because Bo is going around using his name," Spallone said. "Bo's got pictures of me fucking girls? I've got a wife. She's the only one I have sex with. I wouldn't fool around with one of these girls. They turn me off, but if Bo has the pictures, tell him to get a better graphics department with all of his money that he says he has because the ones he made last night were really bad. If he's going to do it, tell him to do it really, really good. If he can get better pictures tell him that we'd appreciate it.

"His wife has to be a real moron for being with this guy. She seems like a nice lady. But if she don't think that anything we're telling you is the truth, she's dumber than he is. Everything we told you is the fact, the truth, and there were witnesses every time. From the messages to the sticking shit up his ass, we didn't make that up. If his wife doesn't think when he comes out here once a month he doesn't fuck the broads, she's sick. When we go live we will have the girls who fucked him in front of the cameras and we'll tell you the size of his dick, everything. There ain't a person in this business ever seen me nude. Or with one of these girls. That's not me. Then he tells Luke that he's going to print pictures of me, my wife and my kids. I got a message for him, he prints anything with my wife or kids in it I will get on a plane, I will kick the shit out of him.

"When I see him at a show, I'm going to embarrass him so bad that when he comes to get me, I'm going to take his head off. Then his wife will have something to clean up.

Spallone and Jim DiGiorgio are embroiled in their own controversy about who's stealing from whom, and name calling is being waged between Blue Light and Star World. "Somebody's stealing money," said Spallone.

G. Ross: "I think there should be a forensic accountant hired to get to the bottom of this."

Spallone: "We got to find out. Bo said I had partners and I steal peoples' footage, I sell it to them. I want to see my money. The price of the movie? He didn't send you a check today? It's now five grand. I have the movie in my possession. You get a check for five thousand, he gets the movie. It went up $1500 for lying today. Five grand or the movie sits. Did you steal the money? I'm accusing Gene Ross of stealing the money cause Bo don't lie. Bo said he was sending the money and you don't have it. I'm an extortionist and a pimp. Five grand ransom.