Bo Kenney: "Rob Spallone is Kendra's Pimp!; Play the Tape"

Does Bo know? Kendra Jade is evidently the battlefield, and Bo Kenney of LGI Distributors is both amused and not so amused by Internet war stories detailing his daily business negotiations with his contract girl Kendra and vis-a-vis Rob Spallone who Kenney describes as Kendra's "pimp." The framus is currently over the status of Kendra's contract and ownership of a Kendra movie, The Madam, which was shot last November. Who owns the movie and Kendra's contract depends whom you talk to. Kendra, who was on the Howard Stern show this week to do an anal billionaire quiz segment, says she wants out and details stories of alleged sexual harassment that took place in Las Vegas during the CES show. Spallone says he has a tape of a phone conversation where Bo allegedly tells Kendra to suck his dick.

Kendra Jade: "I want to get this story straight because there's so many things being said. I think it's time. The contract was this - one year, six pictures, $2,000 a scene; two scenes in each movie, and a $1,000 a day when signing at CES or any of his stores, the ECVS, that kind of stuff. Also in the contract was the fact that he was going to take out an ad every other month in AVN. It was also no anal, condoms-only, etc. He knew up front that I didn't do girls. That was pretty much the basis of the contract. At the end of the year, it was renewable.

"When I first met him on the Bridgett Kerkove shoot [the one that precipitated the hullabaloo over Kerkove's domain name], he was on drugs. I explained to him that I don't do drugs, I don't party. I'm just not into that. He was walking around the house smoking a joint and doing extasy. I felt it was necessary to tell him up front that I wasn't into that and that's pretty much how things stood. That's how the contract was supposed to go.

"But it started coming to the point where I said, allright Kendra, something's a little bit fishy here. I would call him and he wouldn't call back for a week. We're trying to get this movie [The Madam] shot. He's calling and saying this is what I want, this, this and that, only this, this and that isn't in the budget. He wants me with two, three guys. But that's not in the budget. Give some more money for the movie. Come up with the cash. When it came time for him to come up with the cash, he didn't come up with it. I think he has the money to play with, but he wasn't coming up with it. That was the first problem.

"The next thing was the first convention I went with him, he wasn't pushing me to drugs, fucking or partying. But, I met his other contract girl Ashley Heart. She was really upset. We talked about it. She said Bo expects her to fuck all his friends, he keeps pushing extasy on her, she said she wasn't into that, that she just wanted to make her movies and go home. She said, 'they're not paying me.' I haven't had a problem with Bo. He's always paid me on time. That was never an issue, but that was a problem she was having. I said that was strange, Bo's been paying me on time. I got every check I was supposed to get. But when CES came around and it was time for me to go to CES, I asked Bo to advance me $3,000 for my surgery because I needed my surgery the beginning of December in order to be recovered in time for CES. That would have been my CES pay. But, also a part of my contract was that I was supposed to get my own room. I was supposed to have transportation and all that kind of stuff. When I got off the plane, he had a limo at the airport waiting for me which took me over to the club where he and all his friends were partying.

"I had already told Bo a million times that I'm not into the partying scene. I try to live as relatively a normal life as I can. I was tired and wanted to go to my room. Bo said there was a problem, that his secretary had screwed up and I didn't have my own room. He said you're going to have to stay in my room. I'm going oh Jesus. This is after he told a friend of mine the last time he was in town, 'tell Kendra I'll give her $3,000 if she comes over and blows me.' I said whatever. I didn't want to be stuck in this room. He tells me he's got a suite with two different bedrooms so I could have my own room in there. I said I don't want a room in your room. I want my own room. I figure I'm stuck there. Rob's not around. Jim's [DiGiorgio] not around. Nobody's at CES that I can go crash with. I call Jim and I'm crying telling him I don't want to be here, everybody's on drugs, blah-blah-blah.

"When you don't do drugs, you don't want to be in a room full of people doing them. So I go back to the room and Bo comes back with all his friends. They're snorting coke; they're all on extasy. I'm going this is ridiculous. I go into the room that I have and lock the door. Well, duh, it's their room and they have keys. I went to sleep. They left me alone. I could hear them partying or whatever. I was really, really sick with the flu. The next morning I got up to go to CES. Bo knew I was really sick. He came into the room and handed me a whole bunch of pills. I told him a million time I don't take pills. I don't even take a Tylenol. I can't swallow them. He tells me, 'well we don't swallow them, either.' He told me they stick them in their ass. I guess it gets them high quicker."

G. Ross: "They were putting WHAT in their ass?"

Jade: "Extasy. I guess it gets them high quicker. He tells me even when he takes a Tylenol he puts it in his ass because it goes to your blood quicker. I've never heard of that before. I told him I don't take pills. He told me to put them in my ass. I said, no I don't think so. He handed me Vicadins, Valiums, Xanax, you name it, he had it. I got up and went to CES still sick. I was white as a ghost. I was there two hours, and he told me to go back to the room and go to sleep. That's what I did. But I kept calling him because I wanted my own room. People kept coming in and out of and I didn't want to deal with people. I kept calling and calling him all day long. He didn't return my calls. Finally I got fed up. I packed up my stuff and left. I made the effort to be there. I showed up. I was prepared to do my job. In that sense I feel I didn't breach the contract. He did by not giving me my own room.

"There was so many things that he never came through on. This can be on the record. You know I'm a little person. I stuck with John [T. Bone] for like a year and a half even though neither of us were happy. I'm somebody who tries to work out things when I can. I'm a loyal person. He [Bo] was just not doing the right thing by me. I left CES and went home. I never heard from him afterwards except him calling, 'hey, if you want your money come over a suck my dick; I'll pay you.' Whether that was a pissed-off statement or whatever, that's still a breach of a contract. I have to go over and suck his dick to collect my money? I don't think so."

G. Ross: "Where do things stand right now?"

Jade: "The last time that he came into town, he and Rob got into it. He called up Rob, 'I'm coming over to kick your ass, blah-blah-blah.' I said fuck this. Bo is calling up every company in the business: Kendra-this and Kendra-that. Nobody cares!"

G. Ross: "Are you saying he's tying you up so you can't work for anybody else?"

Jade: "That's exactly what he's trying to do. I thought I had everything solved. I drove over to Kevin Beech's that day when Bo was threatening everybody. That day Bo said pay me the $3,000 I advanced you, which I don't feel I owe him. I showed up at CES. He said pay me that and we'll call it quits. I'll let you out of your contract. I said great, I'll do it. Then, ten minutes later, he's changing everything. He's calling Rob, 'forget it, the deal's off.'

"He hasn't called me. He's called everybody else in the business. I've called and left messages so we can straighten this out. He hasn't called me. I don't know what's going on. He says he's taking me to court. I haven't seen a thing from a lawyer, so I don't know what his deal or his problem is. The last I know we had it worked out. I was going to pay him $3,000.

"When I went on the Stern show he's calling up everybody saying she's not allowed to promote anything else [a website]. I didn't promote it. Howard promoted it. Go to Howard."

G. Ross: "He actually called the Stern show?"

Jade: "Yeah. He called up everybody. 'Kendra can't promote anything. She's under contract to me.' Whether he can take me to court is not the issue. He's only going to hurt himself taking me to court. Two things can happen. The first is the judge tells me I have to abide by my contract. So what's going to happen? I'm going to make shitty movies for him. He's not going to make a penny on them because I'm going to lay there like a zombie being miserable. That's one option. The other is he can lose and wind up paying me because he breached on the contract. Not me. The only thing he's doing is hurting himself. If a judge tells me I can't shoot another movie for a year or two years I don't care. I'm on the road dancing 95% of the time. When I'm not there I'm at the Bunny Ranch. He's not going to affect my income. It's not in my contract that I can't dance. The only thing that he's doing is paying money out of his pocket to a lawyer for nothing.

G. Ross: "What do you want out of this?"

Jade: "To be out of my contract. That's it. We're both not happy. What's the point? He doesn't want me, he just doesn't want anybody else to have me. When he changed his mind about letting me out of the contract is because he found out I was offered another one. For now I'm stuck in this contract but that's only going to last so long."

We spoke to Rob Spallone twice on Wednesday. Here's what Spallone had to say the first time.

Spallone: I will take a lie detector test to anything I tell you, and Bo should take a drug test. He's nothing but a junkie. He's told us on several occasions how he uses cocaine and goes to prostitutes and how he sticks extasy up his own ass. He gets off faster. We had made amends of this whole problem, but he changed the deal - again. He doesn't want to talk to us. He wants us to talk to his attorney. His 'big mafia attorney' he refers to him as. He screwed us around and owes Jim DiGiorgio $3500 for editing. He has not paid. When we made this whole deal he asked Gigi Appleton to distribute this movie. In Kendra's contract Robert Spallone is the producer. I told him what the rules are. I get paid a week in advance. When the check clears, I hire the talent and shoot the movie. Then he told us he was going to distribute it through David Sturman. Jim had conversation with David over what kind of scenes to shoot because David was going to distribute it. Then Bo said, fuck David, he's got enough money, I'm going to let Kevin [Beech] distribute it.

"We were supposed to shoot the movie. He doesn't come up with the money. He comes out two days before the shoot, I meet him for breakfast. We sit for three hours and bullshit, bullshit. He doesn't come up with the money. Then I started shooting the movie. I was on the second day of shooting when he came up to the house. We talked. I said I'm already shooting the movie, I'm not going to fire everybody. I don't work that way. I told him if you want it, give me the money it'll be your movie. If you don't give me the money it'll be my movie. He gave me the money. We shot the movie. It's been in editing. He's paid for everything but the editing. Jim DiGiorgio worked as an editor for him once before and it took him like two or three months to collect his money. Bo kept telling him that the check is in the mail. This went on for awhile.

"Kendra was going to sign in his stores and calls Gigi telling her to send 50 copies of a movie [Plaid] that Kendra's in that Gigi owns. She sent them they came back. She sent them again, they came back again. All he does is bullshit. Two weeks ago when he called me to tell me that he was going to come kick my ass, I told him to come on up. He said how many people should I bring. He turned to his friends and said let's go. They said what do you mean, let's go? His friends said 'we'll go with you but we're just going to watch. We're not going to do nothing.'

"I would have broke him another asshole. He would have been shitting outta two sides of his body if he came up here to kick my ass. Then we made amends last week. I told him I'll give all your money back that you have into this, whatever Kendra supposedly owes you I'll give you that. He said Kevin don't want the movie, it sucks. I called up Kevin, Kevin said bring the movie by. I brought it by for Kevin to look at. Bo called him up and told him not to bother that he wasn't selling it. Then Bo asked Larry Fields to buy the movie. So Bo went behind his friend's [Beech] back again. All he's done is nothing but bullshit. He hasn't once been a man of his word. I've never had a problem with anybody else. This guy caused all these problems himself then wanted out of them. His own friends are laughing at him and told him to stop this nonsense that Kendra didn't want to be contracted to him that he bullshitted her too many times. That would have been the end of it.

"He made a deal three times saying please don't put nothing on Gene or Luke. We said no problem. He backed out of every deal. There ain't one company in this business that has a contract girl, sends her to a show to sign and does not get her a room. A limo brought Kendra to a private party. She did not want to be there, she went back to the room and had no room. She went to the show next day. He wasn't there. His friend said Bo was too stoned from being out all night. That's why Kendra left. I don't blame her. He broke the contract. He did not pay her. Kendra has on her telephone answering service a message from Bo. Luke Ford heard it. Jim DiGiorgio heard it. It's Bo telling her, 'you want to get paid? You come over and suck my dick to get paid. And you can take your contract and stick it up your ass.'

"A far as the contract goes, he hasn't paid her. She did everything she said she'd do. Whatever he's telling everybody and his lawyer is full of shit. He can try to kick my ass but his best bet is to pay for the movie. End of problem. He caused all this himself.