Beverly Hills Doctor Performs Vaginal Tightening

Dr. Harvey S. Richmond, a board certified obstetrician & gynecologist, is making his innovative vaginal tightening procedure available to women in the adult industry.

Richmond, who has been in private practice for 21 years and is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, performs the procedure at the Beverly Hills Ambulatory Medical Center.

Vaginal tightening is the surgical repair of the vaginal opening and the inside of the vagina.

“I’m providing a surgical procedure if they need it,” Richmond told “The majority are women who have had children or who have had multiple partners who are larger or smaller, etc. I have patients who typically say they lost a lot of sensation because of all those issues. As a result, what I do is reconstruct their vagina to any point that they want.

“If they want to have their situation created so it’s essentially like what it was like when they were virginal, prior to their first sexual experience, I can do that.”

Richmond said the surgery, which takes 60 to 90 minutes, is a “plastic procedure,” which means that, “virtually no one can tell when it’s completed.”

“It is almost impossible to find a scar afterwards. It’s all hidden, all buried in folds in natural, normal areas,” he continued. “As a result, it’s not anything anyone will be able to look at and see.

“…This is not the kind of procedure that women talk about at parties. It’s a bit embarrassing. It’s not a pleasant thing to discuss. Women will discuss their new breasts, facelifts, eyes, tummy tuck, or their liposuction, but rarely do they discuss this.”

Richmond said that because his office is in Beverly Hills and he works with some high-profile clients that he has gained some notoriety, but assured that “with everything I do the confidentiality level is very high.”

“It’s an excellent procedure,” he said. “Women I’ve done this for universally have told me that sexual response is so much better than it was before, and they are able to experience sexual enjoyment as they had initially, but had not been having for some time.”

Richmond is one of few doctors in the world able to perform it.

“I do a number of these surgical cases,” he said. “Through my Website, I have a lot of patients who come in from out of state, or from out of the country. I have patients from England, Italy, and the Middle East.”

He has two operating rooms in his office, and his business is accredited as an outpatient surgery center.

“We have a full complement of surgical people here just like a regular operating room at any hospital,” Richmond said, noting that he brings in board certified anesthesiologists and RNs for recovery.

Once the procedure is finished, patients “literally are up and walking around an hour and a half to two hours after,” Richmond said.

“They can go home and I see them one to two days later. Then the recovery is around three to four weeks, and at that point they can become sexually active again.”

Richmond said after he started performing the surgery that he refined it.

“So what I do is unique to the procedure,” he said. “It turns out there are very few people in the country who are doing this. … It’s not something that is routinely taught.”

Contact Richmond at 310.273.4160 or visit