Battle of the Breasts

With the apparent passing of porn star Lola Ferrari several days ago and the news that came with it that she had the world's largest breasts, arrives this e-mail from reader Joe L.

Joe L. writes: "With all due respect to Lola Ferrari, correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't AVN do an article on some British girl who was supposed to have had the world's largest breasts?"

Gene sez: "Close, Joe. I did an article in 1991 in a publication called Exposed and it was about Zena Fulson who had appeared in a couple of Big Top video productions. The article about Miss Fulson, who boasted 100-inch breasts at the time, ran as follows: "She prompts remarks that range from, 'Oh, aren't THEY disgusting,' to 'No. They CAN'T be real.' The 'they' are her tits, and British blond, 19 year-old Zena Fulson may be one of the few women in the world whose boobs are talked about in the third person like they were human. Well, if not a third person, her hooters are certainly the size of a third world country. And what makes it all that much harder to believe is that Zena maintains an incredibly small 22-inch waist to complement her gazongas.

"Zena, who lives outside of London, England, works as a 'Kiss-a-gram' girl, the British equivalent of a stripper-gram. She was brought to our attention recently when her boyfriend sent some pictures to British photog John Graham. Graham shot some stills of her and a couple of cheesecake videos that have been released on the mail order market. Asked if she doesn't find her mow-mows a hindrance or a safety hazard, Zena smiles and says, 'I really like them - I used to get teased about them a lot, but I've gotten used to it.' Although she is plagued by backaches, an occupational hazard with big chested weomen, Zena says she will not consider getting them reduced. 'I like them too much.' Zena admits that her nipples are very, very sensitive.

" 'Unfortunately she just worked with me that one day,' photog Graham says. 'But I get the distinct impression Zena will never work before the camera again. She doesn't want to do any more modeling.' By the way, Zena says she has a sister who's 'almost' as big as she is."