Bailey's XXX Pool Party - The Review

Let's have a show of hands. How many of you ever pissed in a swimming pool? Okay...How many of you cried when Old Yeller got it? That's what I thought. The pool pissers win. And therein lies the cause celebre of this tape, directed by Tom Zupko, which has apparently been banned by five distributors because Johnny Deep, Bailey Montaine's boyfriend, takes a leak in the pool. Overlooking the fact of course, is, the moment when piss-meets-pool water is replayed several times throughout the running of the tape in case you missed it the first time. nnOther than that, and Deep pinching off a loaf in a lawn toilet sans plumbing, and Brian Surewood's mouth on the appreciative receiving end of a squat-whiz, nothing really unusual. Unless your definition of usual is somebody putting a vidcam in the hands of Hunter S. Thompson and telling him, whatthefuck, shoot a pool party. In turn, Zupko lends a certain singular resourcefulness and cutting edge to the proceedings that makes one more appreciative of the gonzo genre in pure form. One moment, the music sounds like WWF Smackdown; the next, it might take on the texture of an elegant battle score from an Errol Flynn pirate movie, such as when Surewood pulls a Jaws-style sneak attack out of the depths on Capri Cameron's pussy. nnThe ground level shots in the opening frame play like some abstract Vietnam flashback. A to Z debris is scattered across the lawn including said toilet and a vacuum cleaner. The shot resembles the aftermath of a weekend party at Keith Richards'. Pool boy Deep pisses in a pool that looks like it's already seen the liquid content of a seventh inning stretch at Dodgers Stadium. Then, while he's taking a dump, Montaine rags on him about the yard and he pile drives her asshole from her to Arizona. Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary. nnZupko works his scenes on different levels and imbues them with different moods and textures. Sometimes it's the angling that makes it work. Sometimes he tosses in the film look. Scenes are a mixed bag of lesbian and hetero tricks. Some are shot in the dark and one is underwater when Vivian Valentine gives Brian Surewood a hand job with the camera capturing all the solitary eeriness of his sperm count migrating to the surface. This is Discovery Channel stuff. Then, like two Hell's Angels' centerfolds, Caroline Pierce and Sonja Redd play a couple of hardcore lesbian pool party rousters who intimidate some prissy female sunbathers and the action really gets out of hand. Like it already hasn't. Lauren Montgomery gets manhandled by Redd and a strap-on in one sequence. In another, Redd rams T.J. Hart and grotesquely fake splooge, the consistency of Aunt Jemima pancake batter, strafes Hart's kisser. And, for a great sapphic encore, Pierce takes her turn with the strap-on, and delivers blistering strokes that count both sexually and dramatically with Bailey Montaine. nnBy the time the lifeguards are ready to kick everybody out of the pool, a five-body pileup has ensued that finds Surewood tit-fucking Sonja while Pierce and Capri Cameron are gangmouthing Chris Cannon who has no alternative but to fuck the shit out of Capri. Eunice, pass the chlorine.