Babydol's Judge Put Sasha Away

Sasha Gabor tells us that the judge, Lloyd Nash, who's presiding over Jody "Babydol" Gibson's pimping and pandering trial is the same judge who last year sentenced him to jail on a 9 year-old drunk driving rap which we've written about on this site. Sasha says there's also a delicious irony to all this since Babydol also goes under the name "Sasha", or allegedly goes under the name, shall we say.

Gabor: "He's [Nash] being haunted by this name Sasha. He sentenced me in 1990 in Division 3, and, by God, nine years later he hasn't been promoted to a better job! He's sitting in Division 3 waiting for Sasha to come back!?"

G. Ross: "After 9 years, the judge recognized you?"

Gabor: "Yeah. He recognized me. He also recognized the fact that he sentenced me nine years ago [Sasha skipped]. He said at the time If I don't show up, the sentence will automatically become one year. He put it down in the book. Nine years later he recognized me, and the name, he recognized the Burt Reynolds-thing there, the porn star shit. He hadn't changed that much. He aged very well."

It's Ron Jeremy's birthday Sunday