The man who has invented a weightless sex harness will have a chance to show it to the nation - Steve Bisyak is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Dec. 27.

But don't hold your breath for sexual acrobatics, ladies and gentlemen - there will be no actual sexual positions shown. "That," says Bisyak, "will be left to the viewer's imagination."

Bisyak got this mainstream break thanks to the Bungee Sexperience harness's having won a Best Invention of Americas award at INPEX XV, a new product expo held annually in Pittsburgh.

Shaena Steel will also appear to demonstrate the new device. "(She's) been very helpful to our company by assisting at trade shows and promoting our products," says Bisyak, president of Cords Unlimited, Inc. "She is an expert bungee girl. I wanted to show our gratitude by asking her to appear."