Dr. Susan Block

LOS ANGELES - Supporters and staffers of cable TV sex therapist Dr. Susan Block were expected to be among those attending a March 14 public hearing on the problems now facing - or caused by, depending on your viewpoint - the Los Angeles Police Department.

Block's broadcast studio and gallery were raided in late February by an LAPD team on the pretext that four Hispanic gunmen had been seen in the building. No such gunmen were found but officers stayed over two hours. And one of the publishers of Block's Web site (, Max Lopkowicz, tells AVN On The Net the point has arrived where enough is enough.

"When they start invading broadcast studios and art galleries," he says, "we're a little bit beyond reason. And that's not counting other victims of the LAPD on the streets. SO we're going down there (to the hearing) just to make sure the art community is also represented, and to say this shouldn't really be happening in this great city of ours under Mayor (Richard) Riordan's watch, so we want to put in our two cents."

Lopkowicz also says Block and staff plan a lawsuit against the LAPD for various constitutional violations, including First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment violations related to the raid. He says several people, including audience members for Block's radio show and staffers who were present for the police raid, will attend tonight's hearing as well.

"There were no gunmen," he says of the raid, "they found that out in the first few minutes, but they stayed two and a half hours, and we had 24 armed public servants in the building as opposed to four banditos."

He says Block staffers have tried questioning the officers involved themselves about the raid ever since, but that the officers would not answer their questions.

The public hearing was scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. March 14, at 1933 South Broadway, at the L.A. Mart's California Room.