Two FBI agents were commended formally by British authorities Feb. 21, for their work in helping catch a British pedophile who not only raped a seven year old girl but put pictures of the attacks on the World Wide Web.

The Associated Press says a Maryland-based special agent, Mike DuBois, first saw Paul Cunningham's pictures and tipped off London-based special agent Mark Febrache, who then contacted British police.

Cunningham was arrested in his Newcastle apartment within 36 hours of the FBI tip-off, the AP says. He was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for child rape and indecent assault. Police also discovered the 29-year-old had downloaded over five thousand images, mostly children, in the previous five weeks, the AP says.

DuBois and Febrache were conferred with the Chief Constable's Award by Northumbria Chief Constable Crispian Strachan. DuBois told the press he was glad to have his work honored, but "the great accomplishment is putting a pedophile away for such a long period of time. That is where I take the biggest satisfaction."

Cunningham admitted to seven rape charges involving a seven year old girl and one of attempted rape and indecent assault involving the same girl at Newcastle Crown Court last November, the AP Says. He also admitted assaulting a young boy and producing indecent images, receiving seven life terms for the rapes and 17 years for the other charges.