Bridgett Kerkove, Best New Starlet winner at the AVN Adult Video Awards this year, has signed a non-exclusive one year deal with Leisure Time which will involve up to twelve movies, though Kerkove tells AVN On The Net it could end up being less than twelve, depending.

"I might not even do the twelve, but I'll still get a lot of money," she says. "And they're doing some publicity on me and hooking me up with the magazines."

Kerkove says the deal came about when Leisure Time's Mike Kovacs approaches her during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vagas, during which the Adult Video Awards were held. She is due to film her first Leisure Time feature in early March, which is untitled for now.

Kerkove also is non-committal about staying with Leisure Time beyond the yearlong deal. "And since it's a non-exclusive, I could have several (deals) with several other (studios), if I want," she says.

Not that she's in that big a hurry to pile it on. She worked her body off, almost literally, to earn Best New Starlet - filming a whopping 203 scenes in 344 days. "That was last year," she says, laughing softly. "This year, I'm focusing on features and the Leisure Time contract, magazine work, and promotion."

Not to mention branching out a bit into dancing appearances and in-person signings, as well as more magazine work. She has just finished shooting with Suze Randall and is due also to shoot for Harry Langdon and Steve Hicks as well as Earl Miller, among other photographers of note.

As far as film or video work goes, Kerkove is emphatic: "I'm basically picking the funnest, most creative scripts, picking and choosing what I want to do this year. There's no more, like, doing another 203 scenes.

"I'm enjoying myself," she continues. "I enjoyed myself last year but I'm going to different avenues of the business, dancing, selling movies on the road, and more signings. Bridget's still rocking and doing her crazy scenes."