This city's most exclusive bordello is suing Schiphol Airport for the right to open a "relax service" for travelers, according to Dutch media reports Feb. 2. Airport authorities have refused to consider a permit to Yab Yum, saying it does not fit with the overall philosophy of Schiphol.

Yab Yum features a tony menu of caviar, champagne, and sex at luxuriant locations in downtown Amsterdam and Rotterdam and asked late last year to offer hors d'oeuvres and non-sexual massage for travelers stuck in long layovers, the Associated Press says.

The bordello's owner, Theo Heuft, tells the daily De Telegraaf the airport should explain "just once" the difference between a casino, which the airport allows, and a service station.

He's filed a lawsuit to force Schiphol to let Yab Yum open a branch when houses of prostitution become legal in the Netherlands on Oct. 1.