Sssssssssssssh! Be vewy, vewy quiet - the World Wrestling Federation's hunting a wabbit. They've sued Playboy over some nude photographs of former women's wrestling champion Sable.

Sable, whose real name is Rena Mero, has appeared in Playboy twice and would also like to do it again in the newsstand issue set for release 19 October, says the Associated Press. But the WWF sued Monday looking to stop the issue's release. The federation also wants the profits from Sable's appearance in Playboy last month.

This isn't the only legal activity involving Sable and the WWF. She sued the federation in June, charging them with trying to degrade her by planning a lesbian story line, exposing her breasts on television, and sexually degrading photo appearances.

She refused to go along with those plans and was stripped of her WWF title. She told the AP she considers posing in Playboy tasteful.