A reputed Hollywood madam could begin her trial Feb. 18 - and one report says her defense will present her as a porn producer while also threatening to wreck some famous lives by dropping their names in court as the trial goes forward.

Jody Diane (Babydol) Gibson's attorney, Gerald Scotti, plans that strategy as a way to take apart five former employees of Gibson's, who are now the star prosecution witnesses, according to APBNews. Gibson is charged with eleven counts of pimping and pandering; Scotti plans to argue she didn't employ the five as prostitutes but as porn actresses.

"I'm going to show their true motives in court," says Scotti to APBNews, planning to show sexually explicit movie "performances" in court, if approved by the judge.

But first he plans to file a motion to dismiss. If that fails, APBNews says, he'll discredit the five by way of linkage to some of the names linked to Gibson's alleged prostitution operation - even hinting one is a Fortune 500 executive.

"I'm not into destroying people's lives," he tells APBNews, "but if I find it necessary as the trial goes on to prove my client's innocence then I would absolutely do so."

For now, the names are in sealed court files, APBNews says, but Scotti believes it hypocritical to reveal the names of the women allegedly involved while protecting the men, the crime news service continues. "Men are equally culpable," he says, "but they only go after the women."

Gibson was arrested last summer in a police sting involving a female officer offering to work for Gibson while two male officers solicited girls undercover from her. She was arrested in a Van Nuys hotel where she's alleged to have conducted business. And she faces up to 23 years behind bars of convicted of all counts.