Aussie Firm Suspends 90 Workers In "Porn Purge"

Over ninety workers at telecommunications network Telstra have been suspended and are under investigation for sending porn on the network. An unnamed company spokeswoman told Australian media staffers are being probed for inappropriate computer use.

Large amounts of porn were stored on company hard drives and found during routine maintenance at Telstra's global operations center in Melbourne's outer suburbs, she continued. "This sort of behavior will not be tolerated by the company and we will be taking action," she said.

Twenty-seven of the suspect workers worked at the global ops center.

But the Communications, Electrical, and Plumbing Union said no warnings were given to workers and the union wants legal advice on their privacy rights. The Sydney Morning Herald reports union members plan "mass meetings" at the global ops center later this week. But Telstra told the paper the union knew the company had "a clear policy" about Web surfing and e-mail.