Artist Fired For Running "Dating Service" In Office; Sues Over Firing

A Bell Atlantic graphic artist has sued his now-former employer in federal court over what he calls the false accusation that he ran a prostitution ring from his office. Instead, Armand A. Caruso claims in a federal court action, he was operating nothing more than a professional dating service.

Caruso's suit in U.S. District Court claims Bell Atlantic allowed its graphic artists to use company computers and telephones for personal use if it didn't interfere with work, and that he was singled out unfairly because the company decided his running the dating service was "egregious," according to the court filing.

As it happens, Caruso's particular job included designing Yellow Pages ads for escort services. In fact, the court filing shows he attached several such ads, offering "classy models," "centerfolds," and "Sweet Temptation" for an evening's pleasure, bachelor parties, and even exotic dance-o-grams.

Caruso's suing Bell Atlantic for wrongful termination and defamation, according to the action, and the suit also names Local 1302 of the Communications Workers of America, claiming the union didn't represent him fairly in a grievance against Bell Atlantic, according to the Boston Globe.