Arrow Signs Buffy The Vampire Slayer

a one year, six-picture deal. Well, maybe not Buffy, exactly, but Ray Pistol says he's signed a girl who supposedly bears a very striking resemblance to Sarah Michelle Gellar. "The resemblance is a little spooky," says Pistol who doesn't watch the TV show but those around him, apparently do, and clued him into the physical similarities.

Arrow's ingenue, referred to them by agent Lowell Smith, is so new, she doesn't even have a porn name, yet. Pistol says she's 19, 5' 6", has long blond hair, blue eyes "and the greatest set of natural tits and nipples you've ever seen in your life." Pistol also promises that Buffy movies will be coming out the yin-yang from Arrow. "If she works out, we'll extend the contract," Pistol says. "I'm putting the research team on watching Buffy's. We'll be working on that."

Pistol is the focus of a Las Vegas Weekly piece to be coming out about porn in Sin City. "Being the only frog in the pond, you're kind of the biggest frog in the pond," Pistol observes. "They wanted to do a feature article on porn comes to Las Vegas, and they kind of wrote it around me. The writer is also looking to do a follow-up piece for Rolling Stone. Another alternative paper did a story on me a few years ago, so I think they're coming up to speed, if you will."

Pistol says Vegas porn luminaries like Doug Morningstar, Carolina, Candi Roxxx and Mad Jack were also interviewed. "I guess I'm kind of the thread throughout this thing. I'm the Christmas tree and they're the ornaments. But it makes sense because I was kind of the first here. Doug spun off from me, Apocalypse spun off from me. Carolina danced in my clubs. The acorns are falling off the tree."