Appeal: Utah 'Net Solicitation Redundant

The lawyer for a man convicted of soliciting sex from (a police officer posing as) a minor over the internet has appealed the ruling, saying that Utah already has laws prohibiting attempts to commit a crime.rnrn

That the attempt was perpetrated over the internet is irrelevant.rnrn

Kent Hart told the Court of Appeals that Utah already has laws that prohibit attempts, solicitations, or conspiracies to commit crimes. Those laws are based on hundreds of years of precedent that punish people for preparing to commit crimes. Internet enticement should fall under the same umbrella, Hart said.rnrn

"We don't need this law. It's fluff." Hart said in the Hark the

Assistant Attorney General Karen Klucznik disagreed, saying that the Internet enticement law provides room for investigation where traditional laws might not support conspiracy or attempted solicitation charges.