Anti-Porn Spam Bill Passes PA State House

A bill to help block children from accessing Web porn by requiring porn spam be labeled for adult content has passed the state House of Representatives. "Approximately 10 million children surf the Internet each year," said Republican Rep. Melissa Hart to reporters. "While existing software can block kids' access to obscene Web sites, there is currently no way to prevent unwanted pornographic e-mail from reaching children." The bill would require the term "ADV-ADULT" on the subject line of porn spam. It goes back to the state Senate for final approval of some changes in the House version. Hart and Pennsylvania Attorney General Michael Fisher wrote the House version. Eleven other states are mulling similar laws, and four states also have them on the books. Hart told reporters she wrote it after constituents complained about kids getting porn spam despite blocking filters on their computers, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "Labeling pornographic e-mail advertisements would enable parents to use existing technology to shield their children from these messages," she said. "The Internet is a fantastic learning tool for children. My bill just makes exploring on the Web a little safer for kids."