Another long-winded diatribe

winded diatribe where Kelly Jade, step-mother of Kendra Jade, purports to give Luke Ford the skinny on the Jerry Springer scandal and John T. Bone's role in it, Kendra Jade wound up refuting her step-mother's testimony. Bone's actually more sick of the whole issue than appreciative of Jade's defense gesture.

Bone: "I'm annoyed that this is up at all. I'm sick to fucking death that every day, starting my day out, I'm denying the latest round of rumors. Particularly when it's the same fucking story, over and over again. I have to deal with another idiot [Kelly Jade] telling the world that I'm fucking Kendra. How many times do I have to tell people that it's absolutely true, I'm fucking Kendra. It's all true. What's next? Move on. 'Do you know that John's fucking Kendra?' If you don't you're, obviously a moron. It's posted every fucking second day. I'm sick of the whole issue. I openly declare, 'Yes, it's absolutely true.' Would that be the end of it? Tomorrow I'll read another story about somebody calling up Luke Ford telling him, 'Do you know that John's been fucking Kendra?' It's noon. With any luck I'll start work within the next hour."

Bone also claims he's just taken [and passed] his HIV test. "That's for all those people who seem to find my love life so damned interesting," he said.