Another Non-Cream Deal in the Making?

Cream partner Jerry Garfinkel was supposed to have been selling Cream masters to a distributor named Chaim, comes the word of another rumored deal. Garfinkel has already disavowed any knowledge of the alleged Chaim deal, but rumors have put Garfinkel, supposedly, in touch with Barry Marks, formerly of Video Liquidators, now of Super Sales. Apparently same m.o., however.

Cream salesman Mike Barbella said he called Marks and Marks told him that Garfinkel put the Cream masters on the table, but, when Garfinkel let on there were other partners involved, Marks was supposed to have backed off from the deal. Marks says Barbella's account of the incident was "bullshit."

"Jerry Garfinkel sold me Impressive titles, but he never offered me Cream," says Marks. "Mike Barbella did fax me a list of Cream masters, but Garfinkel never offered any of those titles."