An Interview With Christopher Alexander

Anabolic Video's chieftain Christopher Alexander has just returned from Jamaica with enough footage for 1 1/2 World Sex Tour tapes. Alexander says he's probably going to have to go back and finish the job. Drat.

Alexander: "Jamaica was pretty eventful. I never saw that much ganja consumed in a short period of time. In my entire lifetime of visual-observation of ganja consumption was dwarfed by my observations of the last week. We shot World Sex Tour 22. Down in Jamaica they got lots of pretty women who will steal your money and break your heart...we completed 1 1/2 movies which means I'll have to go back. Oh well."

G. Ross: "Now that the storm and fury has died down a bit about Rough Sex and some people can look at this more rationally..."

Alexander: "Unlikely but hopefully....personally I had not problem with that series whatsoever. Basically it was one of our director's [Khan Tusion] visions and basically it was his lifestyle captured on video, what he wanted to see, what he does. The truth be known, he was capturing a small fraction of what he does. Obviously, it was pared down a little bit, discretion being the better part of valor kind-of-a-thing."

G. Ross: "I've always known you to be the kind of guy who gave society the finger, anway.."

Alexander: "Absolutely.."

G. Ross: "Was it your relationship with Khan Tusion that prompted this or would you have done it anyway at some point in time?"

Alexander: "Basically Khan is a very good friend. He was the excutive producer of some stuff Alex Jordan had done a few years ago. I've known him that long and we've been great friends. He likes directing. He likes being involved. He has another outside career, and this is a vehicle for him to interact with an industry that he loves. Again, what he shoots is personally not my fantasy. I've always adored women, and if anything, put them on a pedestal. He, on the other hand, has no problem admitting that the reason he does what he does, is that it's empowering to him."

G. Ross: "You just said that you put women on a pedestal, I imagine, as a businessman, you would have sensed there was going to be a hue and cry over this thing."

Alexander: "Actually, hindsight is always 20/20. Now we know there was a lot of dicussion in news groups about it. Some of the longest strings I've ever seen, as a matter of fact. I was there on the shootings. I held one of the cameras. I realized that whatever was done was consensual. In most cases, it was the fantasy or the lifestyle of the ladies involved. That being, the case, I personally never had any issues with any of it."

G. Ross: "I talked to a number of people who had been performers in this thing, and they all pretty much agreed that everyone was given the drill, the knew what the program was, but there only seemed to be one person..."

Alexander: "One person [Regan Starr] out of all of them that seemed to have some issues with it. I really feel that she's a very emotionally fragile individual to say the least. That being the case, obviously we can't always know that when the camera starts rolling. I actually timed the scene and from the time anybody laid a finger on her to the time we actually cut, was approximately three minutes. You're talking about 180 seconds of relatively minor...I think most of it is actually on the tape. I think she probably took issue with the fact that we kept rolling when she was done performing. This whole things is trying to show real things, real emotion, real what's happening. The fact that a young lady couldn't do it, that was decided to be included in the movie. Once she said she didn't want to do it, we stopped. I don't think she had a problem at the time. I think maybe she was encouraged by others who were jealous of our success. Some of the ladies are quite predispositioned to be enforced by others. You get somebody who doesn't have much of an original thought or idea on their own, they'll say, we're not doing that line, they are, so let's find a reason to bash it. I was under the impression she may have been pushed by outside influences."

G. Ross: "What I found interesting was some of the [Internet] banter that went on between you and Linda Thoren. She was in Sweden, but she was accusing you guys of rape. What was that all about?"

Alexander: "I have no idea. Maybe it was a lack of proper English vocabulary, I'd like to hope. We shot her a couple of times and she left all of our sets completely happy. Her boyfriend had interviewed Jewel Valmont and what he had heard from the boyfriend, she decided it was a bad thing or something. When I talked to Jewel she said that Linda wasn't even there for the interview. Things get twisted. It's like kids in the schoolyard.

"Vivian Valentine had been down in Mexico with the Metro shoot. I think she left our shoot to go pack her bags and get on the plane. She had worked with Jon Dough that day - everything went great but I think she ended up a little bruised from it. Like Jewel, Vivian's another sweetheart who I feel really close to. Even though there's some beautiful girls out there, I try not to shoot people I don't like. That being the case, after the shoot, me, the director, the cameraman, Jon Dough and Vivian all had lunch together. Basically everything was fine."

G. Ross: "I'm looking at this stuff and my tendency was to flinch at some of the realism. What was your impression or attitude as a cameraman on the shoots?"

Alexander: "My impression that it was absolutely real. At the same time, I think all of us like to test our limits. I think that's exactly where most of the girls were. I think one of the girls said I want to see how far I can go. I want to see where I can push myself. At Anabolic we peddle our movies exactly as they are. Corporately and personally, I've always prided myself on honesty. That being the case, I don't know what Redboard calls their movie [Torment], I talked to Duck Dumont the other day. He was mentioning that the only thing he didn't like about our movies is that he thought they were better than his. What a compliment from someone in that genre."

G. Ross: "In two volumes you made some indelible marks in more ways than one....when I interviewed Khan Tusion and he was telling me that you were taking the product off the market, I got the impression that you guys may have received some threats."

Alexander: "I personally heard no threats."

G. Ross: "Any negativity from distributors?"

Alexander: "Not negativity per se. We had a couple who chose not to carry it. Some chose to sell it, some chose not to. They know what they want to sell. From the numbers of our sales, I would say whatever wasn't taken by some was more than accounted for by others. It was one of our better releases."

G. Ross: "Did you have intentions of continuing with it?"

Alexander: "I would have loved to have done that. If I did it strictly from a financial perspective, then I would be selling it today and yelling at Khan where's #3? Hurry up. At the same time, I never let people tell me what to do, we've always been independent. But we came to the decision that we didn't want to be in the front lines of adversity. The word got out with talent if you go to Anabolic, you're going to get the shit kicked out of you. People don't understand we also have a lesbian series, we also have a Nasty Nympho series, we also have Up Your Ass and all the other stuff. But as far as evrybody was concerned all we shoot is gangbangs and stuff where we kick the shit out of you. All of a sudden our directors were affected with the rumor mill.

"There was talent saying I don't want to work with those guys. Did you see the bruises on so and so? I thought it was adversely affecting our reputation. I've always prided myself on everybody knowing exactly what they're getting when they come to work for us, all that. Having come from the ranks of talent, I always prided on treating talent with great respect. It bothered me personally to know that there was talent out there who had nevevr met us, never had an association with us that might not come meet us just because they had heard that we do that rough sex series and it's a terrible series. Even though they might never see it, they go, oh my God, this girl was bruised and I've heard that one was raped. Depending where they got their information, all of a sudden we're this evil entity I didn't want to be seen as. As the other cameraman Mike John pointed out, you can be the straight A, honor student, boyscout, choir-kid, all through school, but one time you get drunk off your butt and run down the street naked, that's what everybody remembers."

G. Ross: "Just like sucking a dick."

Alexander: "Absolutely. I know a few company owners who could vouch for that."

G. Ross: "As Biff Malibu did you ever have an instance or situation where you were called upon to do scenes similar to these?"

Alexander: "I worked quite a bit for Bon Vue. Although bondage is not my forte, I enjoyed working for them. They were always very nice to me. As I recall, sometimes they had me being the dom or sometimes the sub. As far as I was concerned, I was playing my part. You were here regardless of which side they had me playing. Again it was nothing I was involved in personally. That's the way I always looked at it."

G. Ross: "Ever have an urge or inclination to go back in front of the camera?"

Alexander: "I would love to be in front of the camera. At the same time I'm now objectively able to look at it and say you know what? I wouldn't pay to watch me fuck, why should anybody else. If I was a viewer I'd much prefer to see Mark Davis, Vince Vouyer, Jon Dough, Lex Steele or guys of that caliber performing than Biff Malibu."

G. Ross: "As much as any company you guys deserve the credit for bringing Lexington Steele to the forefront, do you have anybody waiting in the wings who's the next Steele or Mark Davis?"

Alexander: "Erik Everhard is quite the swordsman."

G. Ross: "I got the same impression."

Alexander: "This guy is great, he's focused, he's on it. In Diabolic's Down The Hatch he did four pops back to back to back and never went down between them. He's that kind of guy. He's a good-looking guy. He's a nice guy. The girls can enjoy him. Obviously you get more out of the girl when you use someone the caliber of Erik Everhard. If I was a girl I'm sure I would have the potential of coming more with Erik than Ron Jeremy."

[Next Anabolic releases are Nasty Girls #22, Ass Man #12 and a Trish Deveraux compilation tape, Cum Sucking Whore.]