American Ex-Pat Offers Advice on Producing in Prague

Richard "Sting" Mailer, who is the owner of Califilm, also known as EFA, possibly the only American production company based in Prague, feels that most American porners that come to the Czech Republic often come unprepared with little idea of what they are getting into.

"A lot of people in the United States are under the misapprehension that I run some sort of service here for people that want to come over and shoot. Not true. I only do shows for those companies that don't want to come over here, companies who trust after six years of experience I must know what I'm doing," said Mahler.

However, for those still wishing to come shoot for themselves, Mahler freely offers advice.

"Even though most people who come over on a 'hit-or-miss' basis have a good result....this is not America. Different rules apply," Mailer told

Mailer advises that anyone intending of taking a trip to Prague plan carefully. "Avoid those supposed 'agents' who circulate around the industry in Los Angeles claiming they represent the talent here. All they do is return here and claim they represent all the Americans in an attempt to 'sign' the girls. As we know from California, all of this is pretty much a joke as the talent is going to go where the work is," he said.

Mailer suggests using one or two agents you can trust, and not staging rival casting calls - because you'll end up seeing the same girls twice and possibly paying two fees for the same girl. Personally, Mailer recommends the services of Claudio Mattei of the Bohem Agency, who can assist you with finding both locations and talent. Another agent that Mailer recommends in the Brno area is Petro Horakova at Model-Mania.

When American talent comes to Prague, Mailer would like to know. "I love to use American talent in my productions, so any talent in the area willing to do a scene or two, please contact me."

Mailer is willing to answer any questions his "fellow Americans" may have regarding shooting in Prague. People who wish to contact him may do so at [email protected].