America One TV, Stay Tuned: More To Come

Intellectual property attorney Donald L. Dennison writes the following letter to America One Television concerning the [April 8] airing of Xtreme Pro Wrestling matches on TV: "This office represents HHG Corproation, doing business as ECW [Extreme Championship Wrestling]. My client is the owner of U.S. Service Mark Reg. No. x,xxx,xxx covering the mark Extreme Championship Wrestling as applied to entertainment services, namely, arranging and conducting professional wrestling exhibitions and personal appearances by wrestlers presented both live and over television. Their trademark also covers pre-recorded video tapes featuring professional wrestling exhibitions under the mark Extreme Championship Wrestling. We know that you are familiar with HHG since, apparently, you air their programming.

"It has come to our attention that a recent organization of Mr. Rob Black is now doing business under the name Xtreme Pro Wrestling and that shows produced by Mr. Black are being aired by your company.

"Since there appears to be a likelihood of confusion between the two organizations doing business under the nearly identical service marks, we want to call this matter to your attention. We are concurrently contacting Mr. Black demanding that he immediately cease use of this mark and we would request your assistance in ensuring that no infringing usage occurs as a result of your broadcasting activities."