Alex Sanders to Answer Libelous Luke Ford Charges

Alex Sanders is particularly riled about comments on Luke Ford's site linking Sanders to a sex and bribery scandal involving Gene Ross.

Sanders: "I will go on record with any publication to give the right information to people to help fight this asshole. I can't believe this guy. I don't know where he got this information, but this is the kind of thing that makes me want to kill somebody. Out in the parking lot [of the AVN office] I did say to Ken [Michaels] jokingly that I might bring a girl by with the second copy of the video. That was a joke. That was never told to anybody else. I'm aware that this guy [Ford] said I brought two hookers to your office. Obviously I never did. We both know that's bullshit. I consider this slanderous to me as well. It takes away whatever things I've gotten honestly. I don't want that to happen."

Sanders says he will give a no-holds-barred interview.

Ken Michaels of AVN: "As fas ar Sanders' breakthrough award, let this be known. I gave him his first-ever 4A review. I gave him a 5 A for the first Bodyslammin.' I've never gotten money from him, a woman from him, and we are not lovers. We shared KFC one time and portly guys do love food. I challenge anyone in this industry to prove that I ever gave a good review based on favoritism. You [Ross] had nothing to do with Alex's breakthrough award. Everyone concurred on the quality of the Bodyslammin' tapes."