Aimee Sweet - A Special Valentine's Day Treat

Quick, name a famous Rhode Islander. If you said Hall of Fame second baseman Nap Lajoie, the American League's first batting champion, or Samuel Slater, Father of the American Textile Industry, you would be correct (and should consider appearing on Jeopardy! with those smarts).

And if ever there comes a time when someone should ask you the very same question, here’s another famous, and in this case, absolutely beautiful, Rhode Islander you might want to remember: Aimee Sweet. The auburn-haired Penthouse Pet is a smart and sassy natural beauty who’s traveled the world working with the industry's top photographers, all the while gracing countless magazine covers and starring in popular film, TV, and Web projects. Between her fashion modeling career and time spent whipping up a sexy mélange of entertainment and news with "KB" as co-host of Behind the Porn (, the charismatic Sweet has immersed herself in the development of her official Website,, dedicated to giving admirers a truly special (and naughty) online experience. Launched in spring '99, the site is a dazzling locale for videos, gorgeous pics, information, and basically all things Aimee.

All the time and energy spent on various projects might seem like a lot, but Sweet has always worked diligently to make every dream a reality. She's has a work hard, play hard personality. Sexy but not too dainty, Sweet has that sought after blend of a girl who likes to dress up and look pretty but is always ready for a game of pick-up basketball.

An honors student and thespian in high school, Sweet was also a member of the field hockey, softball, and swim teams. She's the All-American Girl with a Gucci bag in one hand and a baseball glove in the other.

The girl from the smallest state has found real big success in the Business of Beautiful, and with the wit and intellect to match her impossibly perfect body and competition smile, the best is yet to come for Aimee Sweet.

In this special Valentine's Day installment of "The AVN Online Interview," we catch up with Aimee to find out just what our favorite... sweet has been up to. :)

AVN Online: Hi, Aimee.
Aimee Sweet: Hi, Tripp. How are you doing?

AO: Just super, thanks. So, your bio says you have a dark side. Care to elaborate?
AS: I love to dress up in latex and get the whips and chains and play dominatrix. I think it’s fun to be all vampy because I am such the girl-next-door that changing my costume almost changes my whole persona.

AO: How many tattoos do you have?
AS: I only have one. It’s not even that big but you can tell it’s a spade. It’s kind of become my trademark. Not a lot of girls have tattoos. It’s very distinctive.

AO: What do you like best about co-hosting Behind the Porn?
AS: It’s fun because I like to share with Webmasters what really goes on at photo shoots. It’s nice to bring talent to Webmaster radio shows, because all the radio shows on now are Webmasters talking to Webmasters, and I want to bring everyone together. I eventually want to direct it towards fans as well.

AO: I understand you’re from Providence, Rhode Island?
AS: Actually Cranston, but nobody knows where that is. I’m a little Rhode Island girl, and I moved out [to California] when I turned 19.

AO: Do you ever watch the NBC TV show Providence?
AS: I did, and at first when I heard the theme song I was all, "That’s sweet they’re showing all these little things in Providence, and it was nice and pretty," but the show is a little too melodramatic for me. [On Dec. 20, 2002, NBC aired the final episode of the family drama after five, occasionally entertaining, seasons. - Ed. ]

AO: Did you know that Rhode Island is known as the "Plantation State?"
AS: I think the full name is "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations."

AO: What makes you feel sexy?
AS: I think being natural. And baths make me feel sexy. Take a nice bubble bath and put on some soft lingerie, light some candles, and have some wine. I also like to cook and make dinner and be at home in front of the fire. I’m a real homebody. I’m also real snuggly.

AO: What are you like when you’ve had too much to drink?
AS: I talk so much. I never shut up. My little, wild redheaded side comes out. Jenna Jameson actually said, "Give that girl a few drinks and watch out."

AO: Which cast member of Friends would you most like to have dinner with?
AS: I love that show. I’d like to have dinner with all of them, but Chandler [Matthew Perry] is so funny and Rachel [Jennifer Aniston] is cool. I like them all.

AO: What skill do you wish you had?
AS: I wish I were better at snowboarding. And a little more technical skills on the computer, but I guess that comes with practice.

AO: What’s the biggest difference between being with a man and being with a woman?
AS: Women are softer and more sensual. Women kiss completely different than men. Men are great kissers, but women just kiss softer and slower and [are] more delicate.

AO: What’s the best thing about being a girl?
AS: Having the ability to be completely sexy. There’s nothing like Girl Power. When I’m with a few of my hot girlfriends we can go anywhere and do anything and get anything we want. It’s an amazing power to be able to walk with two of your hot girlfriends up to a club in Vegas where there are 400 people in line and they just bring you right in and give you a VIP table and free champagne. That’s being able to be sexy without even having to put forth any effort. And aesthetically speaking, women have... I mean, men look great naked, but women are just... gorgeous. I love men – love'em, love'em, love'em – but I'm so glad I'm a woman.

AO: It’s our first date. Where should we go?
AS: I like to go to a really nice dinner, have some wine, and go to the beach. We could bring a blanket and walk down the beach, with all the stars out... maybe have some champagne and lay under the stars and... talk. You want to get to know a person, and if you go to the movies or a concert, you can’t talk. That’s why it’s hard to pick up people in nightclubs, there’s too much going on.

AO: Why should I join your Website?
AS: I’m known as "the chameleon," and I have so many different looks and I’m always trying to look different. I have all my beautiful girlfriends on my Website; you name something that turns you on and there are pictures or videos of it on my Website. I can’t even grasp the magnitude of how much content is on my site, from amateurs to old ladies. There’s something for everyone... and me too, of course.

AO: What traits do you like best in a man?
AS: I believe sense of humor is really important. I like a guy who can laugh and have fun, but also be sensitive and sweet at the same time.

AO: What traits do you not like about men?
AS: They're kinda messy. They get spoiled by their mom, so when you have a boyfriend you're always picking up after him. And they always leave their dirty socks lying around.

AO: What is your favorite part of a man's body?
AS: I like a man's arm. Because I like to snuggle. I don't know, I like every part of a man. Actually, it should totally be their dick because it's the only thing that makes them different, right?

AO: What's your favorite female body part?
AS: I think breasts are beautiful, but I just like the curve of a woman's body. It's that aspect of a woman rather than just one thing. The way a woman's neck slopes and the way their breasts slope... and it's just that curve.

AO: What are some of your pet peeves?
AS: I hate to repeat myself, so I guess I don't like it when people don't listen to what I'm saying.

AO: I'm sorry, what was that?
AS: Very funny.... But I also don't like when people lie... and I hate when people put their gum on the table when they're done chewing it, or put it on their plate in plain site at the dinner table.

AO: What are some of your life's ambitions?
AS: I really want to travel and see every continent... but I don't have any desire to go to Antarctica. Experience different things and see all the places I've read about and seen on TV.

AO: What rock star would you like to hang out with?
AS: Stevie Nicks, because she's so rad. Her voice and her songs are amazing. She's cool. She's a witchy woman and I like it.

AO: Describe the underwear you’re wearing.
AS: They’re silvery, sheer mesh g-string... and no bra right now. I’m just walking around the house in my underwear and a tank top. [At this point in the conversation, I need a five-minute break to compose myself. C'mon, g-string and no bra... entertain that mental image and see if you don't need a moment. – TD]

AO: Finish this sentence: I’m happiest when _________?
AS: I’m at home with my close friends and hanging out and snuggling on the couch.

AO: What’s next for Aimee Sweet?
AS: Besides the whole modeling thing, I’m really looking forward to becoming more of a businesswoman on the Internet. It’s not one-dimensional being a model, but I want to learn from what I’ve been doing and embark on a career with sales and being an account rep, just learning more about the business. I mean, someday I’ll have babies and I don’t think I’ll be one of those pregnant Website girls. Maybe like Demi Moore a la the Vanity Fair cover. But you always have to change to stay current and youthful, and I think learning about the business is the next logical next step for me.

AO: What's an ideal Valentine's Day for you?
AS: Waking up and having lots of sex, then just being with the person I love and lying in bed all day... maybe have breakfast in bed, get flowers... cook a romantic dinner... light all these candles, make a fire, listen to music and drink champagne and feed each other chocolate-covered strawberries. In sexy lingerie, though, all day. No clothes allowed on Valentine's Day, only lingerie.

AO: Okay, now here's the big question: Aimee Sweet is your name, so what is your favorite sweet to eat?
AS: Ya’ know, no one has ever asked me that. But it's creme brulee. I love it. I can't not order it if it's on the menu... I don't care how full I am, I have to have it, and I make everyone eat it with me because I can never eat the whole thing after dinner.