Adult Internet Mobilizes To Get Out The Vote

A small host of adult Internet companies is pushing to get out the vote come November.

Vivid Video, for example, has launched a site called, which spokeswoman Leslie Sharp said is a group of unique voter-awareness pages aimed at stirring adult industry workers to send out the voting message. For now, they link to absentee ballot registration, People for the American Way, America Coming Together, Protect Our Vote, and 2257 Changes.

"As we are all aware, this November we, as individuals, will be provided an opportunity to do our part to make the necessary changes in Washington that may drastically affect our future," Sharp said announcing the site. "It is extremely important that we, as a unified industry, deliver the message to our customers, users, friends and family that they must vote in this very crucial election and choose elected officials who will dedicate their careers to protecting our freedoms." has also created unique mails and special messages on behalf of getting out the vote. "We are asking our friends and colleagues to please include these pages in your exit consoles and mail programs, link to them through all of your affiliate programs, members sections, and give them as much exposure as possible," Sharp said. "We will all benefit from this united effort. We can't impress upon you enough how crucial this is to our future. We are confident you will support our efforts by helping get the message to get out and vote to every American who values our Constitutional right to express ourselves and make choices."

The Internet Media Protective Association – the group formed by New Destiny chief Spike Goldberg and VS Media chief Greg Clayman to battle against Acacia Research's Digital Media Transmission streaming media patent claims, in litigation against several adult Internet companies including their own – is also pushing a get-out-the-vote message and Web page.

In an e-mail message to as many in the adult Internet as he could reach, Goldberg said flatly that it is time for Webmasters to get political.

"Adult Websites have huge exposure to an incredibly diverse audience of adults who are able to vote," Goldberg said. "These fans need to know how important they are in the political process, and they need to understand what their vote means to keeping the adult online community thriving in a free society. The IMPA is urging all U.S adult Webmasters to include a link to Rock the Vote for the purpose of encouraging voter registration.

"Adult entertainment should be considered a healthy and normal aspect of any free society and not used as a pariah by those who are intolerant of it and seek to bring about its demise through political process," he continued. "The fans of our adult Websites need to be educated in the issues that face our industry and encouraged to vote for candidates that will not legislate against the adult online industry."

Free Speech Coalition has also launched a get-out-the-vote effort, as we reported earlier this week. They've asked adult Webmasters to post a logo and link code on their sites with a pointed message called "Defend Your Rights – Register and Vote." FSC legislative affairs director Kat Sunlove said the election could well enough decide whether or not the adult industry "will face federal prosecutors under orders to cripple this industry."

KickAssPictures has also splashed a link to Rock the Vote’s Website across the top of their Website home page. and also link to Rock The Vote's Website.