Adult Industry Forms Global Internet Alliance

Key members of the adult Internet industry have begun fighting back against the powers that bind. In an unprecedented meeting held during the Las Vegas ia2000 at the Venetian Suite Hotel and Casino, representatives from Cybererotica, iGallery, Cyber Entertainment Network, SexTracker, Babenet, Python, RJB Telcom, United Adult Sites and Epoch were elected to an Executive Committee to enact procedures intended to protect both consumers and merchants around the globe. The organization is currently calling itself the Global Internet Association (GIA), but the name is still subject to change.

"We've always talked about the fact that we needed to unite," said Bob Botto, CEO of RJB Telcom/Maximum Cash, which operates several niche sites as well as partnership programs. "There have always been issues that could be combated if we were in unison and without having an actual presence, it was difficult to do. Now that the Federal Trade Commission and Visa credit card processing problems are affecting everybody's pockets, we need to speak and fight with one voice. We are hoping that the association will appeal to anyone involved in E-commerce as well as the adult industry. What's happening in the industry right now has compelled us to move faster."

Botto said the initial concerns that will be addressed are international credit card fraud avoidance and regulatory issues.

"The idea has been pushed around in various circles for some time, but until recently, their was too much partisanship [in the industry] to form the alliance" said Andrew Edmond, president of SexTracker. "We got serious about it thanks to Greg Dumas of iGallery. He did a lot of early work, getting everyone interested and together.

"My benefit is simple," continued Edmond. "As a member of the Executive Board, I'm recognized as a leader in the industry... and I get to actively participate in avoiding any industry persecution that might come up in the future, thereby putting myself in a position to save my business and the businesses of my clients."

The International Telemedia Association (ITA) might also have some involvement with the alliance; the ITA has dealt with similar issues and crisis for the audiotext industry.

There will be several levels of membership for the GIA and a US based attorney will be retained to ensure the association's interests are properly represented in Washington.

The Federal Trade Commission has indicted and encouraged the presence of such an organization. "I would hope that this industry doesn't perceive us (the FTC) as the enemy. We are here to help. The FTC welcomes the formation of this alliance and looks forward to working with them", said Sr. Attorney for the US Federal Trade Commission, Stephen Cohen.